XEN | Ride Or Die

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Chapter by: Wonmeen17
Genre: Bad boy AU
Word Count: 1214

"What? You got grounded again?" Chaeyoung yells through the phone making me flinch.

"No need to shout. At least this time they didn't take my phone." I roll my eyes as I look out of my window frames, waiting.

"You literally keep bringing this on yourself. I'm with your parents on this one, Y/N. He is a bad influence!" Her distress was evident through her tone, still I pay no heed to her as usual.

I was used to this anyway. Everyone trying to stop me from associating with him. They weren't wrong either, he was indeed a poison for me. But what they didn't know was this poison healed my inner scars and made me face those fears beyond which my desires were hidden.

"Either bad or good, I'm too far gone to think about that now." I reply, reminiscing all the moments he made me feel alive.

"What's it in him that's made a good girl like you sooo blind?" As soon as she questions me, a bike stops outside my house. He was here. Taking off his helmet, he gets off the bike and hold the helmet to his waist. Only light illuminating him was the moonlight, making him look mystical.

 Only light illuminating him was the moonlight, making him look mystical

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"He's the flame, I'm the moth. I'm intoxicated by him. His presence makes me realize that I'm more than a goody two shoes." I express my feelings just as our gazes meet through the glass. Although I was talking to Chaeyoung, it seemed like he was the one listening to me.

"Okay, you're gone for good." Chaeyoung exclaims as if she didn't know that already.

"Actually, I'm going for good. Xen's here. Talk to you later." "But you're groun-" Cutting the line, I bite my lower lip and heave a sigh, contented. Taking the usual route to escape through my window, I get down slowly with the help of my rope. As I get nearer to the ground, two hands take a hold of my waist and help me down.

"You're turning more and more rebel, princess." Xen whispers staring into my eyes, still not letting go of me.

To anyone else, his tone would've sounded like he was disappointed but I knew the meaning behind his words. He was warning me as always to rethink about my associations with him. He thought he would taint me. If only he knew I wanted to be painted in his color by his own hands.

For a minute, I keep on staring back taking in his sharp features without trying to look obvious. He knew he made me feel all these kind of things and he ordered me to put a stop to them. But was I gonna listen? No!

"It's my own decision, Xen. Stop worrying about me and get me out of here before my parents hear us or something." I tap his shoulder restlessly wanting nothing more than to leave.

"Your wish, my command princess." He smirks, emphasizing the last word trying to get a rise out of me.

He thought I hated this endearment because it reminded me of my lifestyle, a princess trapped in a tower by her own parents but what he didn't know was I loved the way he referred to me as princess as I already thought of him as my knight in the shining armor.

Buckling up behind him on the bike, we take off to the almost empty streets. Just as he speeds up, I tighten my arms around his waist leaning onto him. After a ride of 15 minutes we reach an under construction site.

"What're we doing today?" I ask as soon as I get off the bike and hand him his helmet back

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"What're we doing today?" I ask as soon as I get off the bike and hand him his helmet back.

"We're doing this." He replies taking out spray cans from the bag attached to his bike and shakes them. The satisfying rattle of the cans bring an amusing grin out of me.

"Are we gonna vandalise these freshly painted walls?" I question once again, intrigued.

"No, we're just gonna beautify them. Besides the man who this property belongs to is a fraud. I won't go into the details. Just be assured that whatever you're doing is for a good cause." He winks, throwing a can towards me.

"Even if you didn't tell me all of that, I would've had not much problem doing this." Catching the can, I turn around sheepishly and start working on the walls. The place was eerily still but Xen's presence made any kind of insecurity disappear.

"I inspire you that much. Huh?" He questions with his usual smirk.

"I trust you that much." I emphasize the word 'trust' making him look down with a subtle smile this time.

"You know you shouldn't." Starting to work on the wall alongside me, he responds.

"Try and ask me to jump off a cliff. I'll do knowing well enough that you would have my back one way or another." Turning towards him, I lean on a dry part of the wall.

"I'm ruining you, princess." Xen mumbles, wanting me to hear and not hear him at the same time.

"Xen, stop doing this for a minute." I throw my can aside and closes the gap between us.

"What? This?" He looks above, rattling the spray can but gets puzzled by our sudden proximity.

"No, the other thing. Where you go on and on about you being the worst person for me possible." Getting closer, I jab my finger at his chest making him drop the can and hold my shoulders instead.

"Ain't I-" "For once, can I make a decision for myself? Maybe you're the worst person for me but in the best way possible. Don't you see I feel alive with you? I don't die every other moment like I do trapped in my life almost everyday. Even if sometimes you risk your life or security, I get ready to go down along with you too. Because it's you, Xen. Believe me I've tried staying away as well but it's impossible. So please don't keep on rejecting my affections just because you think-" Interrupting my interruption, he takes me by surprise as his lips land on mine. He encircles his arms around my waist causing me to relax. After what felt like minutes, he let go.

"Didn't know it would take a single kiss of mine to shut you up." He says with a smug expression making me roll my eyes.

"Oh don't get so cocky. You just took me by surprise. Besides I still have a lot of things to say." I huff and pass him a glare.

"Then I should just continue with surprising you. At least my ears would be at rest." I narrow my eyes at his efforts to be over smart.

"What? Don't you like this idea more?" He says defensively.

"Umm, I actually do." Just as I reply, he tightens his hold on me.

"God, I swear you're my breath of love." He confesses gazing into my eyes, honey pouring from his every word.

"Then just breathe me without giving a f about anything else." I respond a little out of breath, a little in need of him as well.

"Your order, my command princess!"

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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