Junghoon | Red And Moon

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Chapter by: Wonmeen17
Genre: Fantasy
Word Count: 1243

"Stop pestering me, Jehyun. I'm not interested in you." Y/N says, deadpan as she unlocks her apartment.

"I know you like me, Y/N. You don't have to hide it. I'm the one who can keep you happy and fight with that brat for you. We're definitely mates." Jehyun states confidently and follows Y/N inside.

Y/N hadn't found her mate so technically she was mateless. That's why Jehyun was trying to convince her that he was her mate but both of them knew that was just a big fat lie.

Jehyun held a high position in the pack that's why he was confident in himself. Y/N turns around and gets startled to see Jehyun standing just behind her.

"What the- Who told you to come inside?" She scolds after placing a hand on her chest.

"That's not an issue right now. The thing which is important is you and I. Us. Our relationship." Jehyun emphasizes as he sits down at Y/N's couch without her permission. Y/N stares at him in disbelief.

Before Y/N could say anything, another guy comes barging in through her open door and holds her hands. Y/N rolls her eyes, clearly fed up of this daily soap.

"Princess, I was searching for you everywhere. Where were you? I thought that jer-" Kevin stops as soon as his eyes land on the guy sitting on the couch. He raises a brow.

"What is he doing here?" Kevin asks and begins to make his way towards Jehyun only to be pulled back by Y/N.

"Forget him, what are you doing here?" Y/N asks with a forced smile.

"I mean you could've called us." Y/N adds immediately as soon as she realizes that she sounded a little disrespectful.

"I'm here for you, princess. Didn't we have a date? I've prepared a lot of things for us to enjoy." Kevin simpers while Y/N eyes him im disgust.

God knows how much she wanted to strangle this so called alpha's son and wipe that annoying smile off his face. His case was just the same as Jehyun's.

"Wait a second, first of all I'm not a princess okay? And secondly we aren't dating. So, stop being delusional." Y/N tries to clear out the misunderstanding while Jehyun stands up and side hugs her.

"You heard her. I'm the only one for her. Now leave us alone." Jehyun boasts while Kevin keeps on glaring at him. Y/N heaves a sigh and shrugs off Jehyun's hand, clearly frustrated.

"Okay guys, I would like it if both of you would leave me alone. It's clear that neither of you is my mate nor I'm interested in any of you so stop wasting your time and kindly leave my house or else I'll have to leave it myself." Y/N clasps her hands together begging the other two but it looked like her words didn't have any affect on them.

The two hard headed werewolves continue to bicker over her, ignoring her pleads. Guess, privilege of being on higher positions and belonging to the wealthy families, both of them were spoiled and knew well how to exploit their ranks.

Y/N huffs out in anger and makes her way outside her apartment. The guys were so busy in their quarrel that they don't even notice Y/N leaving which was definitely a good thing for her as she wanted to be away from them at any cost.

She transforms into her wolf and starts running towards her safe haven, the forest or what they called the borderline, separating the Land of Moon from the Land of Red.

Y/N transforms back into human form and closes her eyes, laying on the hammock she hanged their a few months ago. With the feud going on between Kevin and Jehyun, she didn't even get the time to think about herself.

She never felt attracted to any of the wolves on their land. She went on blind dates with various betas, deltas, gammas, etc over the past years. Heck, she even tried to give Jehyun and Kevin a chance each but they were not her type at all.

The connection was just not there meaning they weren't mates. At this point, she was tired of waiting for her partner so she decided to stop looking for him. After all finding your mate wasn't the purpose of life on the Lands of Red and Moon. Or was it?

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be out alone, sorrowing at this time." Out of nowhere, a voice startles Y/N causing her to get up.

"Who's there?" She questions as she looks left and right to spot anyone.

"I'm up here, gorgeous." Y/N looks up above following the source of sound only to be met by a very good looking guy sitting on the tree's branch, observing her reaction with a smirk. Y/N stares at him, awed by his beauty.

He was the most striking guy she has ever seen. His pale white skin and cherry lips were perfectly complimenting each other. His outfit was hugging his well built body like it was especially designed keeping him in view. And his jet black hair wasn't helping at all.

The weird thing was Y/N didn't see him before

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The weird thing was Y/N didn't see him before. The Land of Moon didn't have much wolves. Their were a few packs so all of them knew each other or at least met once. The only question occupying Y/N's mind was the unknown charming guy's identity. He jumps down from the tree, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Admired me enough, darling?" He smirks again tilting his head. Y/N's breath hitches seeing him closer than before. She totally forgets about her personal issues.

"Who are you?" The only question on her mind rolls off her mouth as she watches the man with astonishment in her eyes.

"The name's Junghoon." He bows and passes a genuine smile this time. Y/N also bows back, suppressing a smile at his courteous behavior and introduces her as well. They begin to converse, enjoying each other's company.

"Are you new? I haven't seen you before." Y/N questions, embarrassed of the fact that she failed to notice such an attractive creature standing in front of her, before. He shrugs sheepishly.

"I guess it's because I'm not from here." Junghoon replies.

"What do you mean?" Y/N frowns upon hearing him.

"I'm from the Land of Red." Junghoon reveals after sitting on Y/N's hammock while she stares at him, mouth gaped.

"You're from Land of the- wait a minute, that means you're a vampire." Y/N's eyes get wide in surprise.

She scolds herself inwardly for not noticing his black eyes having a hint of red any sooner but her expression changes into a panicked one when she realizes something else.

"You can't be here. They'll have your head. Why the hell are you even here? Did you sneak? What the h-" Junghoon cuts her mid sentence.

"Calm down Y/N. It isn't even that dangerous. Infact I do this quite often." He chuckles seeing the girl in bewilderment.

"How about I show you? Would you like to come to the Land of Red with me?" Junghoon offers his hand to Y/N while the latter gulps looking at his hand.

To be continued

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