Sebin | Mr Mickey Mouse

174 14 11

Chapter by: Jacksonsram
Genre: Tragedy/Comedy
Word Count: 1924

"Mam, please can you stop crying?", the mickey mouse beside you asked you. You shook your head as a no. The mickey just sighed and went somewhere else.


You broke up with your boyfriend just because he said you weren't beautiful and thrilling anymore. He also said that he found someone else who was way better than you.

You were sadder than ever. He wasn't even with you for more than 2 months but it seriously was hurtful, not only the break up but the confession that you weren't enough for him.

You decided to get this off your mind by hanging out with your bestfriend but when you called her, she was busy at work. Now it seemed like you really didn't have any luck today.

But fortunately, your other friend  Yeeun, called you to accompany her to an amusement park because she was going with her little brother who was quite handful. You thought of it as the best opportunity to get everything out of your mind.

You went to the amusement park but now you were sure, luck was not on your side at all. After 5 minutes of reaching there, you got a message from Yeeun saying she ain't coming because her brother fell from the stairs and is in the hospital right now.

You asked her if she needs you but she assured you that it's nothing serious as he slipped from the third last stair

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You asked her if she needs you but she assured you that it's nothing serious as he slipped from the third last stair. You heaved a sigh.

Now you were here but didn't know what to do. You kept thinking about something fun to do but you failed. You looked around in search of something when you spotted a drinking place. Your mind tells you that this is the thing you need the most right now.

You went in and ordered a drink. Your mind felt at ease after gulping one down that's when you ordered one more. One after one, you kept drinking when the bartender had to stop you. You sighed and went outside. You flinched when a droplet fell on your nose.

In a moment, it started raining heavily. Everyone around you started running in search of shade but you couldn't care less. Seeing the clouds cry, your eyes also started to water. This was the best time to cry and not let anyone know.

You sit on a bench and started crying more. The park started getting empty. You kept thinking of how you were always not enough for anyone and never will be. This thought just discouraged you more and more. Even the clouds were sympathizing with you now.

You held your head in your hands and kept crying when suddenly the rain stopped. You looked to your surroundings but the rain was still falling. You looked above to see an umbrella being held by a........mickey mouse?

I mean it's a park mostly for children so it's completely acceptable that there's a mickey but seeing it being drenched in rain and protecting you from rain made you feel touched. You didn't know if it was a male or a female but you felt thankful nonetheless. At least, someone cared for you.

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