Most to Least

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Most to Least likely to care about someone being mad at them:


1- Taedong

2- Sebin

3- Hangyeom

4- Kevin

5- Jehyun

6- Yechan

7- Hwichan

8- Jaehan

9- Junghoon

10- Hyuk

11- Xen


Sebin, Taedong and Hangyeom will probably be the most worried if someone gets mad at them. They'll try their best to handle the situation.

Hwichan, Yechan, Jehyun and Kevin falls in the middle. Sometimes they'll care about it, sometimes they'll be careless, depending on why the other person is mad.

Jaehan, Xen, Hyuk and Junghoon are least likely to care if someone's mad at them. They're more likely to sulk themselves. It depends on their moods honestly.

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