Chapter 3 - With my Tears

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Lyrics: Korean창 밖으로 하나 둘씩
불빛이 꺼질 때 쯤이면
하늘에 편지를 써
날 떠나 다른 사람에게 갔던
너를 잊을 수 없으니
내 눈물 모아서 하늘에너의 사랑이 아니라도
네가 나를 찾으면 너의 곁에
키를 낮춰 눕겠다고
잊혀지지 않으므로 널
그저 사랑하겠다고그대여 난 기다릴 거예요
내 눈물의 편지 하늘에 닿으면
언젠가 그대 돌아오겠죠 내게로
난 믿을 거예요 눈물 모아너의 사랑이 아니라도
네가 나를 찾으면 너의 곁에
키를 낮춰 눕겠다고
잊혀지지 않으므로 널
그저 사랑하겠다고그대여 난 기다릴 거예요
내 눈물의 편지 하늘에 닿으면
언젠가 그대 돌아오겠죠 내게로
그대여 난 기다릴 거예요
내 눈물의 편지 하늘에 닿으면
언젠가 그대 돌아오겠죠 내게로
난 믿을 거예요 눈물 모아

With My Tears

Right when the lights turn off. One by one, outside the window. I write a letter to the sky. Because I can't forget you. Who left me for someone else. So I gather my tears and send it to the sky Even though I'm not your love. If you find me, I'll go to you. I'll lower myself down to you. And tell you that because I couldn't forget you. I'll just keep loving you My dear, I will wait. Once my letter of tears reaches the sky. I'm sure you'll come back to me some day. I will believe, as I gather my tears Even though I'm not your love. If you find me, I'll go to you. I'll lower myself down to you. And tell you that because I couldn't forget you. I'll just keep loving you My dear, I will wait. Once my letter of tears reaches the sky. I'm sure you'll come back to me some day My dear, I will wait. Once my letter of tears reaches the sky. I'm sure you'll come back to me some day. I will believe, as I gather my tears

Song-Hwa's POV

I smile as Jeong-Won comes to my office and asks to go eat. I happily accept and collect my lunch tray. I started heading over to the table where Jun-Wan was waiting and asked.

"익준 어딨어?" :Where is Ik-Jun: 

"아, 익준이가 누군가 만나겠다고." :Ah, Ik-Jun said that he was going to meet someone: Seok-Hyung panted from running around the hospital to see his outpatients. I spot Ik-Jun with a women about a few years younger than me. Jealousy flared in my eyes and I stared at him. I erased my thoughts about him and started eating. He headed over and started chatting, mostly aiming his sentence at me.

"지금 4 시인 데 먹어요?" :It's four and you're eating now?: He tilted his head.

"꺼저," :Go away: I hiss and put my tray in the sink. I stalk to my room, annoyed. Then, I remembered that we had band practice and I chose to text Jeong-Won.

S - I won't be able to come to band practice today

J - How come?

S - I have some plans for tomorrow. And tonight. Sorry.

J - Then, I'll change the date for practice 

S - NO!!! DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT!! I'm fine. I'll practice on my own. Go ahead and I'll join you for dinner though.

"송화가 밴드 연습 못하 대" Jeong-Won hid his phone and put it on speakerphone.

"왜?" :Why?: Ik-Jun frowned.

"아, 그녀는 몇 가지 계획이 있고 누군가를 만날 것이라고 말했다. 그러나 그녀는 우리와 함께 저녁 식사를 할 것입니다." :oh, she said that she had some plans and that she's going to meet someone. But, she's going to join us for dinner.: Jeong-Won said.

Since Jeong-Won, Ik-Jun, Seok-Hyung, and Jun-Wan are eating and practicing band, they won't be at their own houses until midnight, so I went into my black SUV and went to Ik-Jun's house. I punched in the passcode and went in to find U-Ju playing. I smiled and sat on the couch, trying to hold myself together. I buried my head between my knees and started to sob. U-Ju looked up and sat next to me, patting my arm, begging me to play with him. Then, I heard several beeps and the door opened. I looked up, feared that it might be Ik-Jun but I saw Ik-Sun.

"언니, 여기서 뭐헤?" :What are you doing here?

"우주 보러왔어." :I came to see U-Ju: I lie. I actually came to write Ik-Jun a letter that I was going back to Sokcho. 

"익준이는? 같이 왔는데." :How about Ik-Jun? He came with me. I picked him up: Ik-Sun smiled smugly. The beeps returned and I panicked. I ran to his room, sliding the letter under his pillow and hiding in his closet. Ik-Sun processed what was happening and just stood there, shocked. I put a finger to my mouth, telling her to stay quiet and I closed the door just as Ik-Jun opened door.

Okay. I'm not going to type Korean anymore because it's too much of a process. I'm just going to do English.

"Ik-Sun, I heard you talk to someone. Who was it?" I hear Ik-Jun ask his little sister.

"Whaaat? Who? So- I was talking to U-ju." Ik-Sun stammers, struggling to lie to her brother.

"Imo was-" U-ju started but Ik-Sun covered his mouth, muffling his response.

"Imo? Which Imo? Your nanny?" Ik-Jun raised an eyebrow and I cursed under by breath. I peeked through the crack of the closet door and saw Ik-Jun staring right back, into the crack. As he approached, I dove into a pile of clothes and stayed still. I made a tiny hole, looking through as Ik-Jun let the light pour into his closet. He took out a maroon sweater and blue sweatpants. He turned off the lights, falling asleep. I let out a sigh of relief as Ik-Sun came in, quietly opening the door for me to creep out. Ik-Sun yelped as she stepped on a rock and I heard a giggle. I whipped my head toward Ik-Jun who had a grin on his face and I sprinted out the door, into the balcony. I heard Ik-Sun shout to her brother about why he put a rock in his bedroom. She went to put U-ju to sleep and I crept in the house. 

"Eunni," Ik-Sun said loudly, starling Ik-Jun. 

"HEY!!! He's going to wake up!"  I hiss.

"Who are you talking to?" Ik-Jun trudged out of his room, rubbing his eyes. 

"Uhhh...I'll leave," Ik-Sun said awkwardly, leaving the house and leaving me.

"What are you doing here, Song-Hwa?" Ik-Jun yawned.

"I came to see U-ju." I lie.

"Jeong-Won told me that you were jealous that I was eating with Go-Ara. She was the daughter of one of my patients and also my ex. She offered to eat together and I accepted. It's no big deal."

"I guess you didn't read the letter I gave you..." My voice cracks as I try to hold in my sob, upset that Ik-Jun lied.

"No..." He stepped forward, shuffling his feet. He cupped my cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. "I never meant to lie. Never."

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