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October 13th - Same day

Since it was Friday, after lunch the class did some hero training. Aizawa decided to assign groups of four for a search and rescue exercise.

"Alright those are the teams." Aizawa Sensei pointed to the teams on the white board, "Everyone is going to be rescued, two people need to be rescued at a time. Go now. I'll be around watching the groups."

Midoriya turned around, looking at his group. Kirishima, Denki, and Uraraka.

"Okay guys, who wants to be rescued first?" Midoriya asked looking at the three each it turn.

"Denki and I will be" Uraraka said, giving Midoriya a cheeky grin. "That works for me!" Kirishima said, rather happily. Denki didn't object, so everyone got up and started to walk to the start line.

"Uraraka and I will take off then, give us about 5 minutes." Denki said holding his hand up then started to run away with Uraraka on his heels.

Kirishima turned to Midoriya, "I'm a little excited to tell you the truth, this is going to be fun!" Kirishima said smiling big at Midoriya. Looking at Kirishima so excited and happy for class made his chest heat up, causing him to turn a soft shade of pink.

Kirishima looked at Midoriya puzzled before lifting his surprising soft hand up to Midoriya's forehead. His bangs fell over Kirishima's hand, "You okay Midobro? You look a little flushed!" Midoriya didn't say anything, his mouth opened a little bit, the contact made Midoriya darken. Kirishima leaned close to Midoriya's face, "Woah! Your freckles are really showing! Why are you so flushed? Are you sure you are okay?"

Midoriya gulped, Kirishima realizes how close their faces were and he quickly backed away, removing his hand. His face now was almost as red as his hair, hands up in defence, "U-um sorry Midobro!"

Kirishima looked to the side, refusing to make eye contact now, Midoriya smiled at him. "Its okay Kirishima, I didn't mind!"

They shared a heart felt smile and stare before Kirishima looked at the clock Aizawa Sensei had projected on one of the walls everyone could see. "Oh! We need to go rescue them!" Midoriya shock his head lightly, "Right!"

They started to run off between the buildings, looking around together, they heard yells from Uraraka and Midoriya saw her first.

"Look!" He pointed at a pile of rubbish, broken concrete and metal in a pile, she was in a hole in a building.

Kirishima ran towards her with Midoriya on his tail. Once they got closer they saw Uraraka had gotten her foot caught under a piece of a metal bar.

"Guys I'm actually stuck, I was going to go to the top but I slipped and before I could catch myself I was stuck."

Midoriya was now standing on two pieces on concrete, Uraraka managed to fall in a small hole too, she was definitely stuck.

"Uraraka can you move at all?" She touched her arm, activating her quirk, but she didn't budge. Midoriya smiled at her worried, "We will get you out."

Midoriya then turned to Kirishima, who was on the ground still. He called up, "What's going on?" "She is actually stuck, I need you to hold this piece." He pointed to the piece of concrete that was holding the bar down on her foot. "So I can bend it and we can just lift her up then."

He nodded and started to climb the rubbish, the building groaned and small pieces of building started to hall. "We have to hurry." Kirishima nodded, hardened his hands and pressed on the concrete.

Midoriya activies One for All and bent the mental, the building groaned again, Kirishima and Midoriya bent down and got Uraraka out.

They watched her get down, "Thanks guys! Let's go get Denki now!" She waved up at them. The red head started to walk first when the building shifted and a big piece broke off.

"Midobro look out!" The piece was headed right for the back of the green haired boy. Midoriya turned around only to see Kirishima harden himself and take the blow, the boys fell from the impact.

Kirishima landed on Midoriya, bodies fully touching, faces inches apart. "Are you okay!?" Uraraka yelled but it was lost in the ibis. They were staring each other in the eyes, both red now. "T-hank you, a-are you okay?"

He got up, shaking himself off, then held a hand out for Midoriya, "Yeah I'm alright." They both smiled while he took his hand and stood up.

On the ground now, "Okay! Let's go get Denki!" Midoriya cheered and started to run off.


"Hey Midoriya!" Todoroki said, walking into the kitchen. It was dinner time now, and he was making a batch of beef stew to save for later.

Midoriya looked up from the stove, "Hi Todoroki!" Todoroki walked up and looked at the dish over his shoulder.

He took a deep breath, Midoriya grew nervous, though he didn't understand why, "smells good, did you make enough to share?" He smiled down at the food, "Yes, I'll share with you Todoroki!" Midoriya playfully leaning back into Todoroki's chest, not thinking much of it.

Todoroki's eyes grew wide as he looked down at the greenette, he was looking up at him with his head on his chest.

"Go be gay somewhere else." Bakugou said walking into the kitchen to start making diner as well. Midoriya instantly stood up straight and Todoroki moved back, both boys had an embarrassed blush on.

"I-it's not like that Kacchan." Midoriya mumbled, focusing on the dinner. "Are you gonna be done soon Nerd?" Midoriya nodded, Bakugou crossed his arms and watched him cook, blushing a little at how he looked.

Midoriya had a little blue apron on over his outfit which consisted of black shorts and a green t-shirt.

"Its done Todoroki! Let's eat!" Midoriya said as he turned off the oven and got two bowls down from the cupboard. "You made food for Icy Hot?" Bakugou said with vemon in his voice.

Midoriya stiffened at the tone, "N-no, I actually made extra for later but you can have some Kacchan!" Bakugou grunted getting a bowl and shoving it at Midoriya.

While he was serving the food Kirishima came running in from outside, dripping in sweat. "Watch it Shitty Hair! Dont get your fucking hog sweat everywhere!" Kirishima laughed, "Sorry Bakubro! Whatcha eating??"

"Midoriya made beef stew," Kirishima ran around the island and got next to Midoriya, doing a playful begging act, "Oh please feed me Midobro! I'm starving!" Midoriya laughed at the taller boy, he was bent down a little and had his hands together.

"Sure Kirishima, there is just enough for 4 bowls." Even though I wanted to save it so I wouldn't have to cook tomorrow. Midoriya cried inside.

"Here you go!" Midoriya turned to the side showing four bowls of stew. "Thank you Midoriya!" "Yeah thanks Midobro!" "Yeah yeah whatever, thanks I guess."

Midoriya smiled at the three as they walked to a table together. He followed behind after cleaning up a bit.

"How is it?" He asked as he sat down, a little nervous. "Its good Midoriya." Todoroki said taking another bite. "Yeah! I love it Midobro!" Midoriya blushed, "Thanks guys, my mom taught it to me before moving to the dorms."

They all turned and looked at Bakugou, waiting for an answer, he grunted, "Its good for not being spicy at all." Midoriya's face lit up, smiling to himself as he took a bite, "thanks Kacchan."

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