Chapter 15

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Author's Note: Gahh! It's been so long since I've updated. I kind of got bored with this story so I changed the pre-planned ending i already had for it. now the rest of the entire series is gonne be different. i Hope this chapter is the ending you're been waitng for. please spread the word about my story i would really appreciate it. without further ado i give you Sea Of Flames: Chapter 15!! :D

Chapter 15

Idella stands across from me on the titanium floor. Her stance is dangerous; she looks like she could pounce at any moment. I swear she would attack because in her eyes is a deep desire to kill. And I think it's towards me. And now I see how stressed she is. Her eyes have bags and she seems remarkably skinnier. Being on the boat and knowing I would soon find out must have taken its toll on her. Idella looks almost barbaric right now. She holds Clara's knife to Pidge's throat; this is the only thing keeping us at bay of attacking. Its something I never dreamed of seeing.

"It's been you, all along." Amabel says. Her voice rings out through the room. She holds a small dagger in front of her "It was you that killed Marlis, right?"

"She got in my way. She knew too much." Idella replies. Her voice is coated with a thick anger. I can tell she just wants to leave. But something is keeping her here. But so many questions rush up that I can't think.

"She knew too much about what?" I ask. If she needs to stay for something then I can ask my questions. Pidge looks at me with sad eyes. The feeling of being trapped must be excruciating.

"She knew that I was after you, Paralee. She knew what I was and what you were too." The way she speaks is so vague. What does she mean by 'what I am' "He knew too. I tried to get rid of him but he was always so close to you Paralee. And I couldn't risk you knowing my plans." She gestured to Niklas. "Yet, little Nicky here, never warned you about me. I wonder why." Idella finished

I didn't lower my weapon. I just turned my head in Niklas' direction and said, "What's she talking about?" Niklas got really shy and tried to ignore me. But all my attention was on him. I needed answers and he knew something. He looked at me and his eyes showed it bright and clear; it was guilt.

"Look Paralee, you're not just like a normal kid. Did you see that little flame over there?" I nod at him. I think of checking if its still there but that would put me at risk of being attacked. Instead I just listen. "That there is one of the four living elements. There's fire, water, wind and wood. Only one person in the world can control the one of the elements. You are the controller of fire."

I let the information sink in. I can control fire. It doesn't seem possible. I try to understand why that would make me powerful. Then I see it. They want me to choose what side I'm on; the good side or the bad one. I could influence a lot of things.

"I'm still confused. If you tried to kill Marlis and if that was you trying to kill me the night we left then why kill me?" I ask

"I knew I could never get you on the dark side. " Idella snarls. "But if you kill the controller of the element you become the new holder of the element."

"Why did you wait until we got on the boat to kill me? We lived next to each other for years. You could've easily slit my throat in my sleep." I ask

"Oh trust me," she says "I tried." My blood runs cold. The complete look of bloodlust in her eyes sends shivers down my spine. I could've been killed by her and no one would've ever known. "That day you almost drowned. I wasn't trying to save you. I was pushing you further down. I hoped that it would look like tragic accident and it would've. No one would've expected me since it looked like I tried to save you. I hoped that your body would sink to the bottom and rot there. But I couldn't risk getting caught. Wym was too close behind. He would've known."

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