Chapter 9

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Auhor's note: Firstly, I forgot to mention this but the poem in Chapter 8 was writen by Sally Minns. Secondly, I would appreciate it if you commented and told me who you think the 'spy' is. Thridly, i was wondering if i should enter this in the Watty Awards 2012? Fourthly, I have no idea who to cast as Orvil Woods! help me? Comment back please! Thanks!


Chapter 9

At breakfast I can’t settle. Maybe it’s the fact that she doesn’t know where I am. Maybe I’m just sick. But my gut tells me it might be the fact that someone, anyone is sitting here faking. Pretending to be someone they are not; betraying me. The conversation around me doesn’t affect my thoughts. Pidge senses my frantic attitude right away.

“P, are you okay?” she asks. I want to tell her. I want to say that I don’t feel like I can trust her. That she might be a sham. She could just be here to kill me. But I don’t.

“I’m fine Pidge.” I reply coolly

“You don’t seem it. Look you’re shaking.” Pidge gestures to my arms that are quivering. I cover up as quickly as possible.

“It’s a little chilly.” I shrug

“No, its not. It’s probably thirty-eight degrees out. Paralee what’s wrong?” she prompts me. I have a feeling that if Pidge is pushing so hard for me too be okay that she’s not faking. No! What am I saying? This is just apart of her plan. Butter me up, make me trust her. Then she’ll just backstab me.

“She’s probably sea sick.” Amabel mutters through a mouthful of cereal. Pidge nods, accepting the fact of my fake sea-sickness.

“Okay losers! Listen up!” Gavin stands on one of the tables. “Today we will be exploring a town called Fictus. Last time on Ignis we had some nice discoveries and scientists are starting to understand the mystery or the charred sand there.” He pauses and I swear looks at me and winks. “Buddy up.”

I look over to Amabel since I was with Pidge last time but Amabel is walking away with Marlis whereas Pidge runs off with a boy I don’t know. Great, just great. My friends forgot all about me. I turn to look at Idella but she’s with Kipsie.

Orvil! Probably my last option. I run to his usual breakfast spot but he is walking away with Wym. Odd. Wym always hated Orvil. Saw him as competition, a threat.

“Hi Paralee.” I whip around to Niklas.

“Oh, hi Niklas.” I say not meaning to sound angry.

“Need a buddy?” he asks

I nod. We walk off the boat together.


“I wonder what Fictus means?” says Niklas.

“I have no idea.” I laugh. Last time Gavin told us the meaning. But this time he didn’t. “Maybe it means ‘too many plants’” I suggest slipping under a large branch covered in leaves. Niklas laughs.

“Considering the amount of bugs maybe it means ‘so many spiders’” he says. Although there are lots of spider and plants, I don’t think this is what it means.

When we go up to the village I expect a town like at home. Kids running around with kites, and people lounging in the sun. Just the thought of how different my life is now brings tears to my eyes. If I wasn’t here I could be at home with Alder. With Mom and Dad. With the life I always knew. The way things always were.

The village is just an ensemble of hay covered huts and scattered bones. I hear a faint whisper. As if the breeze brought it along.

As tears fall the fire grows’ it says. A warm salty tear streaks my face. Don’t. I tell myself. You’re making them stronger.

“Paralee are you alright?” Niklas has noticed that I’m crying. I turn around to run away. I’m ashamed. “No, it’s okay!” he cries. But it’s not. It’s not okay. I can’t cry. He grabs my arm and pulls me back. I look at him. My face is wet. If this voice only came when I was with him then the spy must be him. It has to be him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I choke through tears

“Obviously something is bothering you. Otherwise you wouldn’t be crying.” He replies although he has a point I’m not going to tell him. “You don’t have to tell me.” He voices my thoughts

I sniffle. I’m still standing right in front of the village. I look at him. His dark eyes seem generally concerned. His blond hair a mess of fluff. He wears a grey t-shirt and khaki shorts. For the first time I notice a necklace, a black cord with a star on the end. It seems like tiger eye stone. The edges are soft and polished. I wipe another tear.

“Your necklace,” I say “what does it mean?” I’m not sure if it has one but if it does I want to know it.

Niklas looks down at his necklace as if forgetting it was there.

“Oh, this old thing, yeah it doesn’t mean anything really.” He tells me. He’s not telling me everything. I can tell by his tone. The way he hides it in his shirt after I ask. His tone also tells me that it is final and the topic is not to be brought up again.


“Did you get any mail P?” asks Amabel

The captain came by earlier and handed us letters. I got three.

“Two” I say

“One” she says

I open the first letter:

Dear Paralee,

I miss you tonnes. I wish I was old enough to go, hope you’re having fun. Bean is missing you too. She meows at your bedroom door (she thinks you’re just inside). But Bean does not miss Wym.  I hope to hear from you soon.


I write back and tell her that I miss her too. And that I’m having loads of fun. That ive also made new friends.

I open the second letter:

Dear Paralee,

The fire is becoming stronger. Beware.

It was not signed but I know better than to write back. I try and ignore it. But I can’t they are growing.  They must know that I had the dream, that I am tracking them down.

“Is it dinner yet?” moans Pidge. She’s been sleeping and she has bright red hair poking out in every direction. I giggle a little. She still seems groggy

“In about twenty minutes.” I say. She sighs at rolls over blocking out the sun. “I’ll wake you when its time.”

“Thanks P” she gives me a thumbs up and fluffs her pillow.

I didn’t have to wake her. The scream did.

A blood curdling scream rose through the room making my hair stand on end. I drop the magazine I was reading and look around to see a bunch of other shocked girls. Another scream rings in my ear I jump down. From my bunk and run outside and on the deck. As my eyes adjust to the dimmer light of the afternoon I see a girl crumpled up the in the foetal position.  The most disturbing thing is the halo of blood and the pool that accumulates at her sides. It’s Marlis.

A bloody knife lays beside her as people rush to her aid. But I stay frozen on the spot. Unable to breathe.

She screams again and I loose my footing. Pidge who still stands behind me grabs me and I see more and more people with white faces and tears. Who? Why? Who stabbed Marlis? Why in broad daylight? Surely Marlis saw her attacker. The thoughts race in my head. I look to Wym who shows me a letter. It has to be the same one I got. I rush over to him as Marlis is dragged away.

“Did you get the same letter?” I demand in a hushed voice. He shows me and it’s the same except it’s addressed to ‘Wym’.

“We really need to watch it.” He says

“I know but how. If the spy is attacking people now what do we do?” I say glancing back at the dark pool of blood.

“I don’t know. I just don’t.” he says we stare at the blood as the people scatter some too shaken to go back to their room. Some off to see if Marlis is okay. Some just off to dinner. But I’m off to get that knife, a possible clue.

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