Chapter 11

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  Chapter 11

The next morning I can’t keep the smile off my face. My first kiss. Ever. It was so special that I’m glad I backed away the first time. I wasn’t ready and it was definitely worth the wait.

As I walk on the boat I see Orvil with the same smile. It can’t be his first kiss. He’s probably kissed many other girls. But nevertheless, I know he loves me.

“How did you sleep?” he asks putting an arm around my shoulder.

“Knowing I was with you, great.” I say, he kisses my forehead

“Me too.” He replies. “I wonder what they’ve got for breakfast?” he says

“I’m hoping for French toast!” I say

“My favourite.” He tells me

Let alone there was French toast. I put some syrup on it and shovelled some berries on top. We go and sit with the rest of our crew.

As we approach I hear Amabel and Pidge talking:

“Did you hear the news Bel?” asks Pidge

“Yeah” Amabel answers

I have no idea what they are talking about but it seems the whole hall is buzzing with activity. The complete opposite of yesterday.

“What are you guys talking about?” I say while cutting my breakfast

“Gavin is gone.” Pidge says

“What!” Orvil practically screams

“His bed was empty and he didn’t sleep on the beach. They’ve searched the whole island and the entire boat. He just disappeared.” Niklas explains

“I’ll bet anything that it was the same person that killed Marly.” Amabel says

I feel its time to ask them about Clara. If Gavin is gone I have to act, fast.

“Have you heard of some girl named Clara Marthedus?” I try and ask it as casually as I can

Niklas goes stiff for a second but he shakes it off and looks at me.

“No” is all Amabel, Pidge, Orvil and Niklas say. Idella shakes her head.

It’s no help but at least I know the spy isn’t any of my friends.


The girls and I go back to our dorm and sit in front of the window. There are no large waves and the wind pushes us away. All the girls seem so bored. Amabel reads a magazine. Pidge answers some mail and Idella is just lying in the sun. I get up and go to the library.

There isn’t much for books. But it’s not what I’m looking for. I glide across the hardwood floor in my slippers in search of a board game. When I can’t find any I consult the librarian.

Mrs. Gregory is old and frail. She wears a pink cardigan and glasses. Her hands shake as she flips through pages on her desk. She closes the immense book and leads me to a shelf.

There are three games; a deck of cards, a set of dice and some paperclips. There was nothing good so I left.

But as I was going back to the dorm I saw some welding hammers, some nails and a log. Perfect.

When I return the girls are in the same spot doing the same things.

“Come on girls we are gonna play a game.” I say. Pidge squeals and runs over. Amabel shrugs and put down her magazine.

I take them upstairs and show them our game.

“Hey I’ve played this before.” Says Idella “You have to knock the nail into the log with the wrong end of the welding hammer.”

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