Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Where could he be? Suddenly, everything seems to slow down as my heart starts to pound in my chest. I stumble backward and lean against the wall behind me for support. I see everyone in front of me laughing at Pidge. While they are distracted I go to the stairs. I know Orvil, he likes the outdoors, to be alone. I don’t have shoes but I don’t care. I lift the hatch and stare at the moon. In the moonlight I see a figure, sitting by the edge of the boat. I walk over towards the image.

“Care to explain?” I say. He whips around to look at me. Orvil’s smile glows in the dark. His blonde hair is a mop on his head and his brown eyes twinkle, just like the water.

“How come I feel like I’ve heard that before?” he says inviting me to sit next to him. I come and sit. He grabs my hand. His hands are warm. “I couldn’t sleep.”

“Explains so much.” I say with a hint of sarcasm. He laughs at me. God his laugh makes me nervous.

“I just feel tired but I can’t sleep. I’m always thinking of you.” Orvil explains. A surge of heat rushes to my cheeks. I’m blushing like crazy. I don’t want him to see me like this so I turn away. Only to look back and see he is blushing too. I laugh a little.

“Look at us. We’ve turned into a cliché teen couple.” I say smiling “Not that it’s bad. I just didn’t think it would be like this.”

“Like what?”

“I thought it would be cheesy and gushy but I like it you make me feel happy.” What did I just say? Orvil did make me happy. I felt safe around him. But he didn’t need to know that.

“You make me happy too.” He says.

“Bedtime?” I say standing up.

“I guess seeing you will let me sleep now.” He says standing up with me.

We walk down to the rooms at the door he looks to me and holds my two hands. He leans forward. He is trying to kiss me. I’m panicking. I breathe hard and lean away. Orvil looks at me with hurt eyes.

“I’m sor-sorry. I’ll just go.”  Orvil lets go of my hands and leaves me in the hallway, alone.


 I shovel a pile of cereal into my mouth trying to drown out Pidge and Amabel’s debate. I’m not mad at anyone. Just hurt. Orvil is probably hurt more than me. I wanted to kiss him. I just wasn’t ready. He surprised me. Nevermind, I am mad; I'm mad with myself. Did I just lose an amazing guy? And a great friend? I feel tears prick at my eyes but i shove them back.

“…Oh my god.” Amabel sits lower down in her chair, emabtassed.

“What?” says Pidge looking around excitedly. I do the same.

“It’s Robyn. He’s staring at me.” Amabel says while hiding her face from Robyn. We all laugh as Marlis walks up.

“Looks like someone has a new love interest!” Marlis sits down next to us with a bowl of what appears to be oatmeal.

“Attention teens!” Gavin is standing on a table, clipboard in hands, addressing us. “Today you will want to wear lots of sunscreen and shorts. Its hot out there!” he scans the room to make sure we are listening. “Today we will be exploring an island called Ignis; which means fire in Latin. You’ll figure out why when we get there. Buddy up!” Gavin finishes and Pidge grabs my arm.

“Hey buddy.” She smiles at me

“Hey buddy.” I say back to her

Once we get on shore I see why it’s called Ignis. All the trees are black. The ground looks the same. Everything looks charred. How? It couldn’t just have recently burnt. Pidge looks just as confused. 

I look to Gavin awaiting an explanation.

“What do you want Miller?” he asks me

“I still don’t see why they call it Ignis.” I respond

“Are you blind?” he asks. I am getting mad. If I had known why I wouldn’t have asked.

“No I see everything looks burnt but how does it stay this way?” I say

“No one knows.” He says shrugging his shoulders.  Gavin was arrogant. I didn’t like that about him.

Pidge and I keep walking into the trees.

“Now I wish I hadn’t worn sandals!” says Pidge shaking ash like sand from her shoes. I giggle at her.

“Come on let’s just take some sample sand and get out of here.” I say pulling out some plastic bags from my pocket. “This sand is so interesting. I’ve never seen anything like it.” I scoop some into a bag. Pidge sighs and helps me.

“Wonder if the sand changes colours under water.” Pidge wonders out loud. We both light up and she pulls out a bottle of water. I grab some sand in my hand and hold it out in front of her. She opens the bottle and pours a little on my hand. The water almost instantly turns black and leaves the sand white. It sparkles, kind of like a crushed diamond. “This is amazing. I guess if you washed the entire island it would sparkle like this.”

“I guess so.” I’m amazed by this. How did the sand get so dark? Why didn’t it rub of on your fingers?  “Well if you dig deeper there is probably more humidity. Maybe the sand down there is like this stuff.” Once again we light up and try it.

We start digging. It’s still black but it’s getting to be greyish. Maybe even a silver colour. Once we get deep enough the sand is the same twinkling colour as the sand we washed.

“This is so cool.” Pidge starts taking pictures of the sand. I stand up dusting off my hands and knees. I hear a ruffling sound. I spin a round. Like a bush being moved around. “What was that?” Pidge stands up immediately and her face drains of all emotion.

I started walking to the sound. Pidge sighs and follows me. I hear another noise. This time to my left instead of behind me. I spin in that direction and Pidge takes hold of my arm. I give her a glance.

“I’m scared okay.”  She says still latched onto my arm.  Once again we hear the ruffling sound. I’m starting to get scared. I can feel Pidge shaking beside me. My heart is beating at the speed of light and I can’t make it stop. Something grabs my foot. I scream at the top of my lungs and back away. Pidge is screaming too, we both fall. I grab my chest where my heart should be. I can feel the rhythm of my heart beating a mile a minute.  I look around and see nothing.  “What the hell!” Pidge yells beside me. “You nearly scared me to death!” she slaps my arm.

“Something grabbed my ankle!” I yell back. I put my arms to my forehead trying to concentrate on the situation. “Let’s go back to the ship.” I suggest Pidge nods. We grab our stuff and exit the spot.

I don’t know what grabbed me. It was not friendly. It is somewhere near. The ship is staying at the same place overnight.  

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