Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I look in front of us and see something. I don’t believe my eyes. It can’t be. It doesn’t make sense. The water seems to be on fire. The flames sit on top of the ocean and move as if trying to burn a log. I look around the boat and the flames are around the edges. How can the boat not be burning? I walk over to the edge and lean over, examining the fire. It looks real. I go to touch it although there is no heat. I move my hand around in the fire and feel nothing.

“How is this possible?” Pidge asks. She too is looking at the fire. None of us can focus on anything else but the mystery of the fire.

“I don’t know it doesn’t seem possible to me.” Amabel says. I lean back onto the boat. I look around us. I see a large house. It sits a ways in front of us. I know, somehow, I have to get there.

“Do you see that?” I ask pointing to the house everyone turn their gaze to where I’m pointing. I slowly lower my arm. I squint to get a better look at it. But its too far, if I want to get a better look I have to go. But how? The flames.  Then it strikes me. The flames don’t make any heat! I can’t burn if I swim. I look to my friends. “We need to swim there.”

Wym gives me a questioning look. “And how do we do that? Haven’t you noticed the fire around us?” he says, hands on hips.

“Well the fire isn’t hot so we might just be able to jump in.” I explain. I look over to Niklas. He takes off his shirt.

“Well, I guess I’ll go first.” He says. He puts one knee on the edge of the boat. He takes one last look at us. He turns back to the water and puts his arms above his head. He pushes off and dives into the water. We all rush to the one side of the boat. He pops up in between the flames. He is obviously not in pain. “It’s actually rather cold.” He says.

I take my shirt off and stand in my tank top and shorts. I dive in as well. The look of all the flames around me at first is unsettling. I feel like I’m being burned but I don’t feel the heat. I look around me all my friends are now in the water.

“Well let’s go.” Orvil says. He dives under again and starts to swim in the direction of the house. We all follow. Since I swam with Alder almost everyday, I quite quickly take the lead. But my clothes slow me down. I come up for air and look around me for our group. Everyone seems to be getting along fine. I look ahead searching for the house. I have a hard time to see because of the fire.

I see it far off but not too far. I dive again and swim. I have to get there so I continue to swim. I look up again, lifting my face from the cold water. Swiping away water from my face, I look up and see the house right in front of me.

A bright smile spreads across my face. I tread water and look around for my friends. Amabel is right behind me. Niklas not too far behind and Pidge right beside him. Wym and Kipsie tread water next to each other. And through the flames I see Idella. I spin back around and reach for the platform. The water drips from my arms and fall in my face. I pull myself up and put one knee on the platform. I breathe heavily, exhaling trying to catch my breath. Niklas now lies beside me, panting. One by one we all flop onto the floor and just sit and breathe.

After I catch my breath I just stare at the water. How? I hadn’t given it much thought. But now that I have time I can’t help but think how it works. The fire doesn’t give off any warmth and it’s on top of the water. Fire and water don’t mix. How can you have them both together? But I don’t have time anymore. I stand up and look for the front door.

The house is a dark brown with large windows. Look inside and see an empty room. The floor is the same as the outside. I move around as everyone follows. Finally I come to a large door with a silver knocker. I walk up a few steps and stand in front of the majestic door.

“You should knock.” Idella suggests. We all turn to see her. I furrow my eyebrows as does everyone else. Suddenly, everyone starts to laugh. I do too. It doesn’t make sense.

“Idella obviously the house is abandoned. Why would we knock?” I ask.

“Well maybe there is someone inside.” She crosses her arms. 

“And give away our position? No way.” Niklas says. Idella puts her hands up, surrendering.

I turn back to the door. My palms start to sweat a little. I start to feel a little nauseated. I reach for the door handle. The handle is cold and dark. I slowly turn it and push on the door. The small creaking noise brings me back to my senses. I peer in the crack of the opening door. I see a small flame hovering in the centre of the room. I fully open the door and take in my surroundings.

Slowly, I take a step into the house. There is only the one floor, the one room. Our group follows me into the house. I stare at the small flame flickering in the air. I’m drawn to it. I debate whether it’s a good idea to go near it. I decide it is.

Before I go to it I look at my friends. Pidge walks around the room dragging her hands across the wooden walls. Niklas and Orvil stands in the door frame staring around the room. Kipsie holds Wym’s hand out of fear. She seems to be shaking and she walks close to my brother. Idella seems utterly bored. She sighs and puts her hands on her hips. She stands there almost to say ‘can we leave there is nothing interesting here.’

I look back to the flame and advance towards it. I kneel in front of it. It moves through the air swiftly. I reach out to touch it. As my hand approaches so does the flame. It comes right to my hand and hovers above it. I feel a small warmth start in my hand. It creeps up my hand into my wrist and up my arm. I bring my other hand and cup the flame between my two hands. The heat rushes up my other arm. It goes through my shoulders. It slides down into my chest and down my legs to my feet.

I turn around and see what I feared the most.

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