Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I wake from my sleep jostled by a blurry figure in front of me. I rub my eyes and blink repeatedly to  see Pidge in front of me. She jumps down seeing I’m awake.

“Come on we’re gonna play truth or dare.” She whispers. I see everyone around us is sleeping but a couple girls in their pyjamas, huddled around a dim fire. I get up and slide across the wooden floor. There are four girls there: Pidge, Idella, Amabel and a girl I don’t know. It's the middle of the night and I'm not quite up to a game of Truth or Dare, but for my new found friends, I agree.

“What time is it?” I say. Everyone shushes me and signals to be quiet. Too loud I suppose.

“Can’t you see they’re sleeping?” hisses Amabel. I put my hands up in surrender.  

“I’m Marlis.” The girl says waving at me. I sit down in between Pidge and Idella. I look at everyone they all seem tired. My eyes start adjusting to the dim light as Idella leans over and whispers to me:

“11:00” she smiles and I smile back. I'm truly grateful to have someone I know. Idella and I aren't the best of friends but I still trust her. I hope this could mean bonding or us.

“I’ll start.” Says Pidge. She puts her finger to her chin as if to think. I wonder what these girls have planned for us. She turns to Marlis and starts to talk.

“Truth or dare Marlis?” she says. Marlis chooses truth. I was never a fan of truths, especially since I didn’t really know these people. They’re secrets wouldn’t stick like old friends’ would. “Is it true that last year you dumped the poop bucket on Ewan’s bed?” asks Pidge biting her lip inquisitively.

Marlis nods her head saying yes. I put my hand over my mouth. We all giggle Amabel just shakes he head, fingertips resting on her forehead.

“I knew it!” says Idella “Is Ewan here this year?”

“Who in their right mind would come back after finding a turd on their bed?” I say we all laugh. Do these girl prank people too? They are starting to sound like the girls at school. The girls in the cliques. The thought of being in a clique is a little unsettling. I know I hated the mean girls. Will I turn into one of them?

“Truth or dare Amabel?” asks Marlis. Amabel replies almost instantly with dare. “I dare you to…” Marlis looks around the room. She looks at the door and turns back to us. “Go make out with Robyn for at least 20 seconds.” When she finishes I look to Amabel who has gotten up and is walking to the door. She looks at us.

“Coming?” she says “You’ll want proof so come along” Me blood starts to run through my veins excitedly. A kiss? This'll be intersting. . .

She starts to open the door, we all get up and wait out the door of the boys’ room. We stare through a smile crack, hoping not to wake any of the other boys. Robyn’s bed is just in sight and Amabel is making her way to his bed. There is just enough light from the moon to see her. She is sitting on the edge of the bed leaning down. I cover my mouth trying to contain a laugh. Her lips touch his and he sits up suddenly. He looks at her confused. She leans in again and he kisses her back. She wraps her arms around his neck and he puts his hands on her waist.

“20 seconds “says Marlis in my ear.

Amabel isn’t stopping. I thought this was just a silly dare. Amabel seems to be really putting her all into this kiss. She starts entwining her hands in his hair. Robyn tries to slide his hands up her sides and into her shirt but she pulls back. She stands up and walks away. She turns back just before leaving the room. She flips her hair and blows a kiss to Robyn. He is sitting on his bed, shocked. He is probably confused. Some random girl started making out with him and the she just left. Maybe being in a clique and playing silly games wasn't a bad idea; it's quite entertaining.

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