Chapter 8

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The commander offered a multitude of fruits, meats, and other foods to Macon. 

He carefully explained each item knowing they'd be foreign to her. 

He, like Chiss, had spent the last few years on Earth.

This allowed him to compare the foods easily. 

After he'd managed to focus on the food and stop fondling Macon, she relaxed into the couch a bit. 

She was completely full. 

It had been a long time since she'd had a meal like this. 

A familiar face suddenly came into view.  It was the girl she'd met before leaving the shuttle. 

"Jielly," Macon called out, and the girl came over. 

She seemed a bit taken back seeing Macon with the commander.

"Commander," she nodded at the male beside Macon. 

He looked at her with a smile.  "Jielly, I see you've met my- Macon."

Her eyes grew wide. 

"Ummm, yes.  We made an acquaintance on the shuttle."

He nodded with a small smile. 

"I wouldn't mind giving you females a moment to reconnect while I take care of a matter." He stood as a short male approached with some papers.

The commander shuffled through the papers and looked each one over carefully.

"So, the commander aye?" Jielly nudged Macon's knee.

Macon just shrugged.

"Lucky you." Jielly giggled. "I can think of a few girls that are going to be more than disappointed to find out you've snagged the commander."

"Wait, what?" Macon objected.

"Well those of us that haven't been claimed are going to be part of the ceremony tonight. I think it's about to begin. That's actually where I was headed before you called me over."

"Oh, I see," Macon said with concern.

"Yea, so wish me luck. See ya soon." Jielly smiled and headed towards a small platform where several other girls stood.

The commander took the stage and everyone seemed to sit as the room fell silent.

"Welcome," he greeted the large crowd. "As you know, the last group of females arrived this afternoon. We only have a handful that have not been claimed. As always, seniority holds supremacy."
He motioned for the first girl to take the stage.

It was the vivacious blonde she'd seen flirting with Mix. She had a sorority girl heir about her.

Macon thought her name was Jessica. She smiled a gorgeous smile that showed could only have been acquired with extensive orthodontic work.

The commander studied the paper in his hand before he spoke. "Jessica is a 25 year old female. She's been given a clean bill of health and is fit for barring children. If you'd like to claim this female, you may stand now."

Macon's mouth nearly hung open as nearly 15 males stood around the room.

It took a few minutes to work out rank before an enormous Aturian took the stage. He signed the paper the commander had been holding before grabbing the blondes hand and nearly tossing her over his shoulder.

She giggled in response to his possessive actions.

Next, was a small brunette. From her facial structure she appeared to have been of Asian decent.

"Amanda is a 21 year old female. She has a clean bill of health apart from an apparent heart murmur that Mix assured me is not significant. She will be able to bare children. Also, she possesses battle skills."

His last words caused a low growl to resonate through the crowd.

"If you'd like to claim this female, please stand."

Macon was even more surprised when nearly 30 males rose to their feet.

Same as before, papers were signed and she was escorted by her presumed mate off the stage.

A taller brunette stepped to the top of the stairs.

Her mouth was held in a straight line. The commander looked at her clearly concerned before he began.

"Betsy is a catch at nearly 23 years old. She possesses battle skills, has a clean bill of health, and scored the second highest on our aptitude test."

"And children?" One male called out.

"Mix says he can neither confirm or deny her child barring abilities at this time."

More grumbling along with several irritated sighs.

Soon, she too had been escorted off the stage.

This left only Jielly standing there nervously.

After a few minutes, she made her way back to the couch clutching onto a handsome Aturian male with jet black hair.

He was dressed in a navy uniform that mirrored the rest of the males that sat on the couches.

Soon, the commander rejoined Macon on the couch.

"Now that's taken care of." He looked to Macon with a sense of relief in his eyes.

Curiosity nudged at her. "So, what does my paperwork say?"

His eyes widened a bit.

"I don't have your paperwork." He admitted. "I signed it earlier." His hand rubbed at the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh." She said sounding slightly shocked but continued to look at him expectantly.

"It said that you were 23 and you were healthy and could bare children." His face mirrored a hint of embarrassment. "Also, your combat skills and intelligence is unmatched."

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