Ch. 40

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Three weeks had slipped by since Xane's departure, and Macon sought solace within the sanctuary of the garden. Bathed in the gentle caress of sunlight, she settled upon a time-worn stone bench, her heart heavy with longing and the guilt that still wretched her very soul. 

"Don't let me startle you." Chiss said as he approached Macon and sat next to her on the bench. 

She could see how the weight of their actions weighed on him. 

He took a deep breath, his voice heavy with regret. "Macon, I'm sorry.   I never intended to betray our friendship."

Macon's heart fluttered within her, caught in the tumultuous battle of loyalty and attraction. She met Chiss's gaze, but all she could see was how he'd been in the garden that day. His hand came to rest on hers and she flinched.  The heat of his hand spread through her body.  "This is wrong." She said attempting to break herself from the haze of lust. 

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted as Anders entered the space, his voice trembling with an underlying tension.

"Brother, I cannot sit by and witness this any longer."

Macon's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening with a mixture of guilt and fear. The weight of her actions hung heavy in the air, a haunting reminder of the consequences of her infidelity.

"I understand that hearts can be fickle and that desires can sometimes cloud judgment," Anders continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But Macon has made her bonds with another.  I know how it must ache to see her in the arms of another." His gaze softened as he looked at his brother. The pain and longing evident on his face.  "If this continues, I will make it known to the commander."

Silence enveloped them, a thick fog of emotions hanging over them. Macon fought to find her voice amidst the chaos of her feelings. "Please, don't— I know how it must have looked."

"How it looked?  How it looked!" Anders shouted.  "It looked like—had I not arrived when I did, Chiss would have taken you against the d@mn wall!"

Macon's cheeks burned in embarrassment. 

"I don't know." She sobbed, but she knew he was right even as she shook her head. 

Chiss stepped between the two, guarding Macon from the onslaught of Anders accusations.  Anger well deep in his chest, "It is my fault alone, my burden to bear.  It won't happen again.  What you witnessed was a moment of weakness.  My own desperation."

Macon's heart ached with the weight of her choices as she grappled with the consequences of her infidelity. She yearned for clarity and a way to mend the shattered pieces.

Seemingly content with their promise to refrain from further infidelity, Anders left them but the heaviness remained. 

Macon studied his gaze. 

"Why didn't say something sooner?" She sobbed.  "It's not that I don't love Xane now, but from the moment I first saw you.  There was—" she shook her head as if to dismiss her own words. "It doesn't matter now. I suppose."

Chiss took her hand in his and met her gaze.  "Trust if I could go back.  I would.  There are so many things I would have done so many thing differently. I would have taken you for myself on the beach the first time I saw you.  Pulled you away from that desolate planet and had you for my own."  His words crushed her beneath the weight of it all. 

When They Come:Hot Aliens and the Girls Who Love Them- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now