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Anders shouted above the noise that shook the cavern. 

"We are under attack.  We are under attack. The royal family has been compromised.  I repeat- the royal family has been compromised."  He shouted into the device on his wrist. 

"What did you say?" The words came through broken, but they'd been heard. 

"Chiss, we need back up now.  The royal family has been compromised.  The compound will be leveled within the hour."

"And Macon?" Xane's voice crackled over the com.

"She's with me, Commander."

"Bless the Heavens," he said clearly relived. "What is your location?"

"We are in the north most cave."

"Sending rescue your way and backup will be there shortly."

A blast at the cave mouth caused rocks to burst into powder and fall to the cavern floor.  

Macon huddled closer to Anders, his arm wrapped tighter around the small female. 

In the distance laser fire could be heard. 

Help was so close, but so was the enemy. 

The flashes of fire was getting closer and closer. 

"We have to get in the water." Anders said warily.

Macon followed behind him as he stood and moved forward slowly. 

They hurried to the waters edge.  It was warm and bubbled from the springs below. 

As laser fight grew closer, they slid down into the water making their way to the deepest part. 

"At my word, we must go under and stay down for as long as you can."  It was their only hope of survival. 

Tears streamed silently down her face. 

She placed her palm on Anders cheek and nodded. 

The enemy was now close enough that their shouts could be heard.  They had entered the cave. 

Macon took a deep breath and as Anders whispered, "now" she slipped beneath the surface.  Her hair fanned out, and she released her breath sinking further below. 

Her lungs burned longing to take in the air that she would not find in these depths. 

Even from below a final blast shook the cavern so fiercely that giant rocks fell from above piercing the surface of the water and cascaded towards Macon and Anders. 

She would die here, in this moment. 

She knew it was true. 

She had only to close her eyes and breath in, but Xane's bright eyes came to her mind.  They begged her to hold on. 

And it was the moment before she sank into complete darkness she realized that his bright eyes were not only in her head, but rather right above her. 

He reached for her as she continued to sink. 

She kicked her feet wildly trying to reach him. 

The tips of her fingers brushed his as she lost consciousness. 

He lifted her limp body from the water. He held her in his arms.  She could be gone.  He could not lose this beautiful human.
She belonged to him, and he was hers he realized. 

He pushed at her chest and attempted to breath into her mouth.  He did so as tears slang to his eyes. 

He would give up even though all seemed lost. 

He begged her to breath and suddenly she coughed spewing water from her lungs. 

Once her breathing seemed somewhat normal Xane wrapped her in his arms and pulled her to his chest. 

"I thought I'd lost you. I can't..." he said, emotion taking over. 

He lifted her and climbing past the debris, he carried her to the waiting pod. 

When They Come:Hot Aliens and the Girls Who Love Them- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now