Ch 29

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Chiss looked at his brother as he hunched over in the passenger seat of his pod. 

He would be okay- but Macon.

She looked so fragile laying on floor of the pod. 

He granted himself a moment to watch as her chest rose and fell. The action was faint- at best; if he hadn't trained in his focus, he would have missed it. 

He could see plumbs of dark colored smoke rising in the fire light.  There was little illumination beyond the explosions in the distance. 

He should be there- fighting- part of the action. 

A heavy guilt hung over him as he moved further away from the battle. 

But he had to remind himself that his Commander had given him a command, and that the Commander would not be able to focus on his duties if he was worried about Macon. 

Taking in a deep settling breath, he activated the boosters and gained altitude. He needed to get both his brother and Macon the help they desperately needed. 

That was his mission now and he'd return to fight once he'd made damn sure that that was seen to. 


Macon's eyes fluttered open at the contact. 

Her skin was clammy and cold, but beyond the utter discomfort she felt, alarming tingles rose from where her skin met that of another's. 

'Chiss,' she thought relaxing into him after a moment of panic.  His warm scent took over her senses.  It was musky and male but settled her all the same. 

Where were they? She had remembered being placed in the pod, but had allowed herself to sleep as they travelled.

Her head throbbed and she rubbed it against his strong chest allowing the pressure to ease a bit of the pain. 

Bright light and the swoosh of an automatic door was too much as the cold air rushed her wet skin and clothes. Chills erupted across her body. 

Chiss hugged her even tighter.  She was thankful for his warmth. 

Her teeth chattered. "I'm so cold," she managed, causing Chiss to look down at her. 

"I know-almost there." He said, he voice full of determination. 

A dull roar filled her ears- a hospital. She thought. 

Glancing from the corner of her eye she could make out long rows of cots full of the other injured.

Medical staff rushed hurriedly from patient to patient. 

Finally Chiss sank down and lowered Macon onto one of the cots. 

"Hey," I need help over here." She could make out the clear sound of his voice as he stepped away from her for just a moment. 

"Change her into this, and I'll be back as soon as I can." A small gust of wind let her to believe that an article of clothing had been tossed to Chiss and Macon couldn't say that she minded being in something dry.  The thick country accent that spoken to Chiss led her to believe that the owner was human.  A nurse perhaps? That seemed to settle Macon in a way that she hadn't felt in so long. 

She felt Chiss settle over her. He pulled at the bodice of the dress and then she heard the distinct sound of fabric being cut. 

Cold air invaded the shell of the dress as he continued to cut until it fell to her sides.  He leaned closer still, and slid a hand behind her back, lifting her slightly all while sliding the dress from beneath her. 
Next, he cut the soaked band of fabric that had been wrapped around her chest.

His hand grazed her breast as he pulled the fabric  from beneath her and discarded it into the pile.

He took a shaky breath and Macon dared not open her eyes, but if she had, she would have found a hunger there that begged to feed. 

Chiss wrapped her cold body in a buttery fabric that must have been a blanket. 

She felt the cot sag as he sat at the edge. 

He pushed the free strands of her hair out of her face and stared at her for a long while until she was startled by a loud wail. 

"Mother," the male's voice pleaded.  It pained her hearing the desperation in his voice. 

"His Majesty, please sit.  You are not well enough..."

"I am not well enough..." an emotionless laugh broke from his mouth.  "I-" he stammered, "am not well enough."

"Look at my people..." he paused for a moment, "yet I am who you are focused upon.... See to them, and let me grieve in my own way."

When They Come:Hot Aliens and the Girls Who Love Them- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now