Chapter 3: A Quick Reunion

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???: Y/N~! Wake up~!

An angelic like voice filled my ears as I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes to see a blur of red of yellow right next to me.

Y/N: H-Huh?

I rubbed my eyes and as they came into focus I looked up to see that Hannah was stood above me, grinning away.

Hannah: There we are! Good morning!

Y/N: Good morning?

I was slightly discombobulated and I heard Hannah giggle at my state of confusion.

Hannah: Yeah it's morning! I had to wake you up because we have lessons soon!

I sit up and look around to see that Barbara was also up. She was sat on her bed in her uniform and smiled and waved at me.

Barbara: Good morning Y/N!

Y/N: Good morning.

I swing my legs around and stand up. I was taller than Hannah by an inch or two and when I saw Barbara stand up as well, they are both around the same height.

Hannah: They're gonna be here with your uniform soon, but Diana told us that we should try to wake you.

Y/N: I see. Well thanks for doing that!

Barbara: You're welcome!

The two of them grinned as I smiled back. There was no need for anything to come between us, especially since we were going to be teammates this year.

What that had to do with learning, I have no idea.

Y/N: Wonder how Akko's getting on. And if she's getting on ok.

The two of us would always be together, so this would be something new to the both of us. We would have to only be together outside of lessons.

I'd probably be in the same lessons as her, but not next to her.

Hannah: You're zoning out Y/N. Is everything alright?

Y/N: Oh yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about how my sister will get on.

Barbara: Sister? Wait...

Hannah: Is it that girl that you were with yesterday?

I nodded my head and the two of them seemed to be relieved a little.

Hannah: I see...

Y/N: Well not full sister, like we aren't related. Her family adopted me.

Barbara: Oh that's right! You said you travelled from Japan but you aren't from Japan.

Y/N: Correct. I come from England, but when on holiday with my parents in Japan they kinda left me on the street and never came back.

The two of them looked shocked and also really saddened when I told them that. Me on the other hand, was just trying to forget about it again and trying not to get upset myself.

Hannah: Y/N...I-I'm so sorry...

Y/N: Ah don't be sorry Hannah! It's not your fault! You don't need to apologise!

Barbara: B-But that's horrible! Why would they do that?!

Y/N: I don't know...they told me that they would be back but never came. Either they did abandon me or they died. I never really got an answer...

Now I could really feel the floodgates beginning to open. All of the years that I was over there and no one could ever tell me what happened to them.

World Of Fantasy (A LWA Fanfic) {Hannah and Barbara x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now