Painful Memories

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Hey guys!

This will probably be a little late by the time I publish it. I've been out with family for the weekend, so I didn't have much time to write.

Also, I apologize for the sad theme in advance, but tbh, with toa and Jim's dad you'd think some tears would be shed :(
So it'll be an emotional chapter to warn you in advance.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Third Person POV:

Well, another holiday has come around again. One to cherish fathers for everything they do and are.

But for the Lake family, it wasn't exactly like others.

Barbara would of course still contact her father to wish him a happy Father's Day, along with Jim doing the same thing, but not everything was the same. Ever since James Lake Sr left Barbara and Jim on Jim's fifth birthday, there'd be at least a few unhappy moments of the day for Jim. At least, during the first few years after when Jim didn't even know where his father was, and when he found out what he did. Nowadays, Jim wasn't as upset by it too much. Especially seeing others with their fathers on a day like this. He never wanted any negative emotions he held about his father to affect anyone else's happiness with theirs on a day dedicated to them.

But today, when Jim was in school on the holiday again, only this year in tenth grade, he looked for his friends after a class that led to their lunch.

While looking, he heard a voice that sounded like Toby to his far left and whipped his head to that corner. He saw Toby, Darci, and Claire talking in front of Toby and Jim's lockers. He began walking towards them, hearing their words the closer each of his steps brought him to them.

"-ight? Right?! I told Claire that the other day! It's stuff like that, that makes me know Señor Uhl won't get anywhere farther in a relationship than with his truck" Toby said.

"Ha! Imagine what his own father could've said today out of all days about that once he talked to his dad" Claire joked as Darci was already chucking, imagining the scene play out in her head.

"'Come on Uhl! It's been forty years, just ditch the truck and get me some grandchildren'" Toby joked along putting the image in their minds, causing them all to laugh aloud.

"Speaking of which, my dad today when he woke should've seen his face when I gave him his gift I got him before I left for school. He just-"

Claire immediately had her eyes go wide seeing Jim walking towards them and nudged Darci's shoulder. The action caught Toby's attention, making him turn around, seeing Jim as well. Darci immediately stopped talking with how aggressive Claire's nudge was, and how she was looking at her, which only made her stress.

"I...I-I mean, I mean, My-my dads sister got a certain birthday pr-present-"

"Guys, it's ok" Jim said as he finally stopped in front of them, standing before them with a smile he gave them. "Don't stop talking about your guys's dads just cause of me".

" sure Jim?" Claire asked, not knowing too much of how Jim acts about his father on this day since this was the first Father's Day she's spending with him, just knowing him.

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