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I have been staring out of the window from the bed that I was on for ages. The sun was just setting and I was hungry and thirsty. The door opened minutes later and I turned my head to see a girl walk in. She was new, she had brown wavy hair, brown eyes and was smiling.

"Hi, Bo, I'm Cat, Calum's mate and Wife."

She said as she sat next to me. I frowned and turned to her.


I questioned and she giggled. Giggled?

"Yes, you see, each vampire has a mate, a person to hunt with, reproduce with, marry and turn. I am Calum's mate. I am twenty years old and I was turned into a vampire by Calum on my twentieth birthday and right after, we got married."

She explained and I nodded as she explained at bit more. The door once again opened and Luke walked in, blood stained his shirt. I looked away as he neared us. Cat stood up and left the room as Luke spoke up.

"Are you okay?"

Luke asked and I glared at him. What the hell does he think?! And I didn't say that out loud, either!

"I'm sorry."

He said and I scoffed. He's sorry? I get dared to go into the woods, I get bitten by a vampire freak then they won't let me go home and he's sorry?! Luke's head lowered before he got up and left the room. I suddenly felt bad, he was only checking to see if I'm okay. But, on the other hand, he shouldn't have kidnapped me. The door opened again and Calum walked in with a tray, he sat in on my nightstand.

"When you have finished, come downstairs, okay?"

Calum said and I nodded and he smiled at me before leaving the room. I looked to the tray he set down to see a glass of water and a bowl of soup. My stomach growled and I lunged at the food, eating the hell out of it. Once I had finished, I got up from the bed and walked over to the door, pulling the handle which made the door open this time. I left the room and was met with two other doors facing me and one to my left. I spotted a stair case and walked over to it, walking down the stairs and stopping at the bottom.


Cat's voice boomed and I turned to her to see her walking out of a kitchen.

"Everyone is in the living room. Come."

She said and grabbed my arm before pulling me into a room where Luke, Ashton, Calum, a boy and two girls, (one of them being the one who bit me) were sitting. Cat sat down next to Calum as Luke stood up and come to stand next to me.

"Bo, this is Michael,"

Luke said as he gestured towards a boy who had green hair, green eyes and was pale looking.

"This is Carly,"

Luke said, gesturing to a girl on Michael's arm who had brown wavy hair, brown eyes and was also pale looking.

"This is Willow,"

He said, gesturing towards the girl who bit me. I glared at her and she lowered her head.

"And you know Cat and the others."

Luke finished and I nodded before waving a small wave. Ashton glared at me and from that moment I knew us three would have trouble with each other.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Luke asked as he entered the room which I found out was his. I nodded as I stared at the full moon which meant I had been gone for a full day.


I asked and he sat next to me and smiled.

"What is it?"

He asked and I sighed. I wanted to see my Brother.

"You know that you can't."

Luke said and I frowned.

"How do you do that?"

I asked him and he sighed before beginning to explain.

"The boys, girls and I can read thoughts and emotions, it's one of our gifts."

He explained and I nodded before asking him about my Brother in a different way.

"If I can't see him, then can someone go and check on him? Just to make sure that he is okay?"

I asked Luke and he nodded before standing up and leaving the room.

Please be okay, Liam...



I walked out of the room and used my given gift of speed to get to Bo's house. I looked through the window to see Bo's Brother, sitting on a sofa while pouring himself some whiskey. He mumbled some things along the lines of, Stupid vampire's! Taking my Sister! To himself and that's when his head turned. I know who he is!

He is the leader of the werewolves, our enemy.

I sighed heavily as I headed back to the house, everyone staring at me as I rushed in through the front door.

"What's up?"

Calum asked and I opened my mouth to speak, but, quietly, so, that Bo wouldn't hear.

"Bo's Brother is the leader of the werewolves, you know, Liam Benson?"

I said and everyone's eyes widened apart from Ashton's whose glared.


Ashton yelled and I immediately shushed him, Willow helping me. Footsteps filled my ears and I turned toward the entrance of the living room to see Bo standing there. She looked scared and worried.

"Luke? Is my Brother okay?"

She asked, hopefully and I nodded.

"He is completely fine, Bo, go back to bed."

I told her and she nodded and scampered up the stairs, leaving the rest of us in silence.

"What do we do now?"

Carly asked and I shook my head. I have know idea, if the leader of the werewolves is my mate's Brother, there is not much we can do.

"I wish I knew, Carly, I wish I knew."

Here it is, you guys! This is the second chapter of my new book, I hope you like it. Also, thank you for the reads on the other chapter, I really appreciate it.

Read, vote, comment and add!

Emma x x x


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