Twenty - two...

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I looked at Niall as he read from the book in front of him. It was a book containing information about werewolves. So far, we had learnt that if a good werewolf harms, injures or kills a human being, then they will turn evil. But, Niall has a reason to believe that Damien was forced to molest me and that Liam was forced to go on a rampage after Damien. I think that only one person has the power to do such a thing... Emily...

"Bo? Are you listening?"

Luke said and I looked up at him. What?

"I said, were you listening?"

He said and I guiltily shook my head, not hearing what he had said. He sighed and took my hands in his, making me frown.

"I said, if we can't stop Liam, then there is a chance that we may have to-"

"No! No one is killing my Brother! No. One!"

I exclaimed and stormed out of the room. If anyone is going to harm my Brother in anyway, it would be me. Only, if I have too...



"Now. You have gone through a lot of trouble to make sure I would end up here. Isn't that right? Mother."

Liam said and I gulped. I had, but, not for him to be like this!


He screamed and I whimpered. I'm supposed to be evil and strong, not weak and frightened.. Not even of my own Son! Well, not mine, but, Emily's Son as I was not Emily, but, an evil witch that didn't want a half vampire/half werewolf hybrid to exist.

"Now, I love Bo with every fibre of my being... But I would kill her if I had too. Do I have too?"

He asked me and I smirked.

"Yes, I'm afraid you must, Son."

I faked sadly said and he nodded before picking up a sword.

"Then that's what I'll do."



I have a odd feeling in the pit of my stomach, like Liam was hurting or something. Luke entered the room and frowned when he saw me.

"Are you okay, baby? I could feel you from the woods."

Luke said and I shook my head. I can't shake this bad feeling and I don't want to because I know if I do, then Liam is gone...

But, I also have a feeling that he already is...

Here, guys! I hope you like it.

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Emma x x x


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