How To Meet Your Dragon

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This is my first book on TMNT so pleaseeeeeeeee no hating. the dragons design was taken from Toothless the dragon from ' how to train you dragon ' but his powers were added on by me. Everything else is TM. This is a TMNT and a How To Train Your Dragon Fan Fic. Hope U Like It :)

It was a dark night in New York City. Leonardo, a teenage mutant ninja turtle, was running across rooftops trying to improve his one-armed backflips, a regular training exercise he did. Suddenly he heard a crashing sound coming from the alley right in front of him. 'Hmmmm, better go check that out ' he thought to himself as he back flipped into the alley. He stuck to the shadows (like most ninjas do) and looked around a corner, only to find 2 foot ninjas rummaging through the garbage bins " Did you find it yet brother " one said as he pushed the bin to look behind it. " Not yet brother, but we must keep looking or the master will have both our heads " the other one replayed.

Leo was confused, " okay, I don't know what they could possibly be looking for in the garbage, but if the Shredder wants it then its probably not good " he whispered to himself. Leo thought over what he was going to do and then came up with a plan. He stayed in the shadows until he was close to the two other ninjas. Then WHACK!, he knocked them both out with one punch. Leo then dragged them over to a corner and tied them up using some rope he had in his bag. Leo was about to climb back onto the rooftops when he heard a small crying sound, not a human crying sound, but an... animal crying sound.

Leo looked around the alley until he knew exactly where the crying was coming from. There was a small box sitting in the corner of the alley. Leo pulled out his katana as he approached the box, just in case it was something dangerous. He pried open the top of the box and looked inside. Leo was so shocked at what he found that he had to rub his eyes to make sure that he wasn't imagining what he saw. For there sitting in the box, was a baby dragon!!!!!! The dragon was very small, completely black in colouring, except for some white markings and seemed to have a hurt wing. Leo was so fascinated and so shocked that he was staring right at a dragon, (not only that but he was in New York, so dragons aren't common here or anywhere), that he stuck his hand in the box to try to touch him, but the dragon gave him a little bite that drew some blood. " Okay well, first of all, OW!!, and second of all, don't be afraid little guy, I'm not gonna hurt you " Leo said as he stuck his other hand in. The dragon growled and began to show his teeth. Leo seemed to understand what the dragon wanted, and he turned his head away. He heard the dragon stop growling and then felt the dragons head lean into his hand. Since the dragon was so small his head fit right into the palm of Leo's hand.

Leo turned his head back around and started petting the dragon and within a few seconds Leo picked him up and held him up to his face so that he could see the dragon better. " Huh, you know, your kinda cute when your not trying to take my hand off, thanks for the bite mark by the way " Leo said sarcastically as he showed the bite mark on his other hand to the dragon. The dragon gave out a little roar and then started licking the bite mark. " Haha, hey cut that out, that tickles " Leo told him as he started laughing and pulled his hand away. Leo looked at his hand and almost fell over. The dragon had healed it completely!! " Wow, you are one special little dragon, hey why don't you come home with me, I'm sure my master and brothers won't mind having a pet, heck, Mikey has been asking for one since we were little ". Leo looked at the dragon and thought over what he had just said and came to a decision. " You know actually, I better not tell them, Master Splinter always says no when Mikey asks him for a pet anyway, here why don't you stay in my bag until we get home okay? " he asked the little dragon. The dragon looked at Leo's bag and started wiggling his tail, and that's when Leo knew that the dragon understood exactly what he was talking about. Leo put the dragon in his bag, zipped it up, (not all the way but just enough so that the dragon could get air, but at the same time not escape) and ran back to his home in the sewers

A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle And His Dragon (Completed!!!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now