How To Meet 3 Other Dragons

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Leo woke up next to his brothers and Master.

" Nazo!! " he screamed as he quickly sat up.

" Oh, I thought you didn't want to tell us about him " Raph said

" Okay, look Raph, I didn't tell you, or you master Splinter, I was just afraid you would make me get rid of him. " Leo confessed.

" Leo, it's okay. I was wrong. I was mad, but I now understand " Raph told Leo.

" What? " Leo asked confused.

Raph only looked at Master Splinter and smiled.

Leo was still confused but didn't want to spend time asking questions, they had a bigger problem to deal with, and that was finding Nazo.

" Leo where is Nazo? " Don asked.

Leo looked down, tears filling his eyes.

" S-S-Shredder, he has him " Leo said as he stood up.

Everyone's eyes went wide.

" Leonardo, you are very lucky, you could have lost your life " Master Splinter told him, interrupting the silence.

" Yes master I know, but what is Shredder going to do with Nazo? " Leo asked.

Master Splinter looked down, a frown forming across his face.

" I-I don't know my son " Splinter replied sadly.

" Well I know what we're gonna do, we're gonna get your dragon back, and then we're gonna stop whateva ' Shredders plan is " Raph cut in as they all nodded and came up with a plan.

They had gotten all the supply's they needed to break into Shredders headquarters (all without leaving the construction site) and were about to head out when a dragon like silhouette appeared in front of them.

" Nazo!? " Leo said as he walked up to the dragon.

This dragon was defiantly not Nazo, it growled and roared when Leo came near it, causing Leo to jump back.

The dragon then roared more, and 2 other dragons appeared beside it.

All the dragons looked like Nazo but all had different styles.

(starting from the left) the first dragon looked more bird like because it had a feathered head, tail, and wings. It was completely white in colouring except for a bit of purple on the tips of its wings and tail.

The next one had super long claws, probably for climbing. It was smaller then the other dragons and seemed clumsier, and had smaller wings. It was also white but had bits of orange colouring on its body.

The dragon in the middle looked exactly like Nazo, but was red in Colouring, had long horns sticking out of its head, and looked like it could shoot fire. It seemed to be the most aggressive out of the 3.

The dragons started charging at Leo and his brothers, and that's when Leo saw it. A collar that was on all the dragons. They had the foot clan symbols on them, they were controlling the dragons to attack them.

" Guys, aim for the collars, destroy them!! " Leo shouted to his brothers and master.

Raph, Don, Mikey, and Splinter did as Leo asked and destroyed the collars. When they did the dragons automatically stopped fighting and just stared at the five of them.

Leo then went up to the smallest dragon.

" Whoa, Leo what are you doing!? " Raph yelled causing the dragon that was near Leo to jump a little.

" Don't worry Raph, Mikey come here " Leo said calmly as Mikey walked up to him nervously.

Leo took Mikey's hand and placed it on the dragons face. The dragon started to purr like a cat and rubbed up against Mikey.

" Haha, awesome " Mikey said as he started petting the dragon. Leo did the same thing for Don, who took the dragon with the feathers.

Lastly Leo went to the red dragon and called Raph over. Raph moved his hand close to the dragons face, but the dragon growled and tried to bite him. Raph was about to take a punch at the dragon but Leo stood in between them.

" Raph, you have to be calm and gentle " Leo told him.

" Why don't ya tell that to him, he's the one that almost took off my hand!! " Raph shouted.

" Raph, he's just scared " Leo told him.

Raph rolled his eyes. " I find that hard to believe Leo, he's a freakin' dragon " Raph said a little more calmly.

" You'd be surprised at the things that can actually scare one of these guys " Leo said patting the dragons shoulder easily.

Raph just stood there, shocked at the fact that Leo could pet the dragon that easily.

" Alright I'll give it another try " Raph grumbled.

Leo smiled and nodded as he left to go see how the others were doing.

Raph moved his hand towards the dragon again, but the dragon started to growl again.

" Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt ya, trust me " Raph told the dragon as he turned his head, hoping the dragon wouldn't take his hand off.

Then suddenly, Raph felt something warm touch his hand.

Raph turned around and saw that his hand was touching the dragons face. Raph smiled and started petting the dragon. Then the dragon bowed his head slowly, and Raph seemed to know what that meant.

Raph climbed on the dragons back and the dragon started to fly. The dragon flew around the construction site while Raph hung onto its horns.

When the dragon finally just hovered in the air, Raph noticed Don, Mikey, who were also riding their dragons while Master Splinter rode with Don.

Then he noticed Leo who was climbing down the building.

Leo was about to take a step when the wood that he was holding onto snapped, and he started to fall!!

Then he suddenly landed on something.

Leo opened his eyes and saw that he had landed on Raphs dragon. Leo sat up as Raph lead the dragon to go join the others, who were flying to Shredders headquarters.

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