How To Rescue Your Dragon

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Leo could see Shredders headquarters from the back of Raphs dragon.

" Alright, stick to the plan, Mikey create a distraction " Leo said though his headset.

" Rodger that Leo, this should be easier now that I have my dragon " Mikey responded, moving faster and ahead of the group.

Mikey's dragon formed a fire ball in its mouth and then shot it at the building.

It was then and there that all shell broke loose!!

" Raph, get me in the building " Leo said as Raph tried to dodge missiles and bombs being thrown at them.

" Alright Leo, but I'm gonna need some back up " Raph told him.

" Okay, Don, Mikey, can you cover us and follow us into the building? " Leo asked.

" Sure thing Leo " Don replied as he moved his dragon in front of Raphs dragon.

The group rode their dragons right through the window of the building and landed right in the centre of the room.

They saw the Shredder, he was sitting on something.

" Shredder! " Leo shouted getting off Raphs dragon.

" Ah, Leonardo, how have you been " Shredder replied in his usual harsh tone.

" I've been better, but that's besides the point, where is he? " Leo asked.

" Oh, well aren't we in a rush, he's over there " Shredder said, pointing to the corner of the room where Nazo was chained up.

" Nazo! " Leo shouted.

Nazo's tail started wagging, when he heard Leo.

Raph, Don, Mikey, and Master Splinter ran up beside Leo, with their dragons following close behind.

" Well, Shredder, looks like your not the only one who's dragon was stolen from them " Leo said smirking.


" Give it up Shredder, your out numbered outmatched and... " " And out dragoned!! " Mikey shouted interrupting Leo.

The Shredder started at them all for about 10 seconds, then he started to laugh.

" I may not be as outmatched as you four think me to be " Shredder replied.

Then suddenly the floor started to shake!

Raph, Don, and Mikey quickly hopped on their dragons, while Master Splinter hopped onto Dons dragon as well.

Leo though, was not getting onto any dragon, he was running to Nazo, who was surrounded by falling wood. Leo was almost there when a fire ball set all the wood on fire!!

Leo looked back and saw that Shredder was riding his own dragon!!

But this one was no ordinary dragon. He was a giant, three eyed, sharp teeth and claws dragon.( think of the giant dragon at the final battle of ' how to train your dragon ' )

" Hahaha, now look at who's out matched!! " Shredder yelled.

Leo quickly looked over at Don, Mikey, and Raph. They nodded their heads and flew their dragons to go distract Shredder and his giant dragon.

Then Leo heard something that he had not heard since when he first found Nazo. The same crying sound he had heard in the alley. Without any second thought, Leo jumped into the flames and found his way to Nazo. The smoke choked Leo as he tried to break the chains that were holding Nazo. But it was no use, the smoke had done enough, and Leo was feeling dizzy. He was about to pass out when he felt something grab the back of his shell and pull him out of the flaming circle. Leo then saw a faint silhouette of something jump into the flames. Leo was coughing and gasping for air, his eyesight was blurry because of the ash, and his body burned because of the heat. Then something else nudged him up from a laying down position to a sitting position. Leo rubbed his eyes and slowly turned around. He saw Raphs dragon staring down at him and then back to the flames. Leo started to stand up, using Raphs dragon for support.

' But if Raphs dragon is here then that means... ' but Leo's thought was cut short because Nazo flew out of the flames with Raph on his back.

Raph jumped off Nazo as Leo ran up too him.

" You alright bro? " Raph asked concerned.

" Ya I'm good " Leo replied excitedly.

Nazo then roared to get Leo's attention. Nazo nodded to the giant dragon, and Leo knew what he wanted.

" Alright boy, lets do it! " Leo said as he ran to Nazo, gave him a quick hug, and hopped on. The Shredder hadn't bothered or cared enough to take Nazo's flight suite off, and Leo was lucky that it didn't burn in that flame circle.

Leo hooked himself on and put his feet in the stirrups, and was about to take off when Raph grabbed his arm.

" What is it Bro? " Leo asked.

" L-look, I-I-I'm sorry, f-for everything " Raph said.

" I'm sorry to " Leo replied.

" Look you don't half to do this " Raph told Leo.

" Yes I do, if not, the Shredder wins " Leo said.

" No I mean, you don't have to do this alone, we're brothers, we stick together " Raph said as he hopped on his dragon.

Leo smiled and finally took off. It was a great feeling for Leo to have Nazo back.

The 4 turtles regrouped and sorted out a plan while dodging fire blasts from Shredders dragon.

" Alright everyone clear on the plan " Leo asked.

Everyone nodded.

" Are you ready boy? " Leo finally asked Nazo.

Nazo roared loudly, and so did the other dragons.

" Then lets go " Leo said as the 4 of them headed straight for Shredder and his dragon.

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