How To Hide Your Dragon

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When Leo went back to his room he began packing his bag because he was going on another training exercise, only this time he was bringing Nazo. Nazo's wing had healed (because he had been licking it) and didn't need the bandage anymore, but Leo thought something was still off about how his wing looked. Nazo's left wing seemed to be smaller than his right. " Well, your wing looks healed, but can you fly around? " Leo asked Nazo.

Nazo looked at Leo and at the same time tried to fly to him. He got off the ground, but he couldn't fly straight. Nazo struggled to fly towards Leo, but just ended up moving in a circle and then fell. " Okay I'm guessing that's a no for he flying part, here I'll just carry you in my bag again, come on " Leo said as he opened the bag for Nazo so that he could climb inside. Nazo becoming excited, ran and jumped right into the bag, but it ripped apart on impact. " Oh boy, your too big now, you can't fit in my bag, so I guess I won't be going out to train today, what are we going to do " Leo said taking the things he had just packed out of the bag. The last item Leo pulled out was his shell-cell. Leo thought for a moment then smiled at Nazo. Nazo tried to copy Leo's facial expression and slowly formed his mouth into a smile, showing his sharp white teeth that seemed to glow because his face was completely black. Leo laughed as he began to dial April O'neil's phone number.

" Uhhh, H-hello " April answered sleepily.

" Hey April it's Leo, I know its early, and I'm sorry for waking you up, but can I ask you for a favour? " Leo asked.

" What, oh Leo! Ya sure anything, and for the record you didn't wake me up, I've kinda been up since midnight doing some rearranging in the shop, but anyway what kind of favour do you need? " she replied.

Leo didn't know what to say, " Um, I was just wondering if I can drop something off at your house? " Leo told her.

" Ya sure, no problem, are you coming now? " she asked.

" Ya I'll be over in a few minutes is that okay? " he replied and asked.

" Yep, see you soon " she said.

" Okay, bye " Leo said before hanging up.

Leo felt relieved that he had safe place to hide Nazo, but he still needed to get Nazo out of the lair without his brothers finding him. Leo found a brown duffel bag sitting in the corner of his room. ' Perfect ' Leo thought as he grabbed the bag and let Nazo climb inside.

" Okay Nazo, now you half to stay completely still and quiet, alright " he told Nazo as he closed the bag and gently threw it over his shoulder and walk out of his room.

Lucky for Leo Raph was out with Casey and Don was in his lab working on a project, while Mikey was in his room playing video games.

" Whew, good the coast is clear, we're safe Nazo " Leo whispered.

Just as Leo said that Nazo roared loudly. " Shhhhh, Nazo we're gonna get caught and... "

" Leo? Is that you " Don interrupted Leo as he walked out of his lab area.

" Um ya Don " Leo answered turning around to face his brother.

" What are you doing, and what's in the bag? " Don asked him, looking at Leo suspiciously.

" Oh ummmmm, April called and she wanted me to bring over some stuff that she left here the last time she came over " Leo replied.

" Oh, okay um see you later then, and don't forget we have a lesson tonight okay " Don said as Leo turned back around and started walking towards the door.

" Ya okay, see you later " Leo said as he left.

When Leo reached April's apartment she was there to greet him.

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