How To Have A Final Battle

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The first part of the turtles plan was to get Shredder's dragon to fly.

Raph, Don, and Mikey all shot fire balls, while Leo shot sound waves. Then finally then got the dragon mad enough to finally open its wings and start flying. The dragon was very fat and Leo wondered how it could even fly.

The next part of their plan was to let the dragon chase them to the old abandoned docks. They flew above the clouds so that no human would see them.

Leo moved Nazo in front of Shredders dragon, taunting him while also leading him to the docks.

" Okay guys I'll take I from here, go find some cover " Leo said through his com-link.

" Leo...are you sure? " Raph responded.

" Yes, now go " Leo told him.

Raph and Mikey flew to the sides, away from the dragon. Don tried to follow but Shredders dragon saw and shot a huge fire wave at him. Don safely avoided the attack, but sent Master Splinter flying of as well.

Leo saw and quickly flew after him.

Right before Master Splinter hit the ground, Nazo grabbed him using his claws. Master Splinter looked at Nazo and simply bowed his head and smiled. Nazo returned the smile and gently put him down as he and Leo flew back to Shredder.

" Be careful my son " Master Splinter said quietly.

Leo and Nazo lead Shredder and his dragon higher into the sky, and when Leo was sure that they were over the old construction site, Leo and Nazo disappeared into the clouds.

Thinking that he had won, the Shredder laughed while his dragon roared loudly.

Since they were distracted, Leo and Nazo emerged from the clouds at shot sound waves at the dragons wings before disappearing into the clouds again.

They continued this attack until Shredder's dragon had enough. The dragon started spinning and shooting fire at the same time. One of the flames caught onto the flight piece, causing it to catch on fire.

" Okay, that's not good, we'd better wrap this up quickly, you ready boy! " Leo shouted over the roar of Shredders dragon. Nazo just blinked.

Leo moved Nazo downward towards the ground, Shredders dragon following close behind.

Raph, Don, Mikey, and Master Splinter were watching from a distance.

" Whats Leo doing!? " Raph asked.

" I don't know, but we need to help him " Don replied.

They were about to take off on their own dragons, but Master Splinter stopped them.

" Sensei... " Raph said.

" Trust in your brother my sons, he knows what he is to do " Master Splinter replied slowly.

The three brothers all looked at each other before turning back to watch Leo.

The ground was coming in fast, but before making the final attack, Leo quickly looked back to see if the flight suit was still able to work.

It was but not for much longer, so Leo and Nazo had to move fast.

Leo quickly calmed himself and closed his eyes.

" Fire!!! " he shouted.

Nazo shot a sound wave at the ground, making dirt fly everywhere.

Some of the dirt got into the giant dragons eyes making him panic and start to shoot fire.

Leo and Nazo pulled up at the last second to avoid the ground. Shredders dragon tried the same thing, but since Nazo had been shooting at its wings, when the dragon spread its wings to try to stop, holes started to form and tear apart the wings. The dragon couldn't stop and ended up blowing up because it was breathing fire right next to a pile of gas tanks.

Leo and Nazo were now being chased by the flames.

Then suddenly, Nazo flight piece on his wing fell off, it had been burned off!!!!

Leo and Nazo took a unexpected sharp turn and smashed right into the giant dragons spiked tail.

Leo was knocked out and fell off Nazo's back!

Nazo was falling to, but he managed to get to Leo, and when he did, he wrapped his wings around him and braced for impacted.....

( Sorry this is really short and probs not very interesting...I'm not really good at writing battles sooooo yea, really, really sorry )

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