How To Manage Flying And Training

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When Leo got back, Don and Mikey were waiting for him.

" Leo!, what happened! I wasn't getting a response from you, where did you go? " Don asked looking both worried and angry.

" Well, we had a near death experience but on the bright side I did memorize the gears, and I successfully guided Nazo through the heart of the city " Leo responded calmly.

Don looked at him, shock and worry filled his face.

" Nice dude, now can I ride Nazo? " Mikey asked looking for Nazo, who seemed to had disappeared.

Nazo though was not interested in having another near death experience, he had gone over to his sawdust bed and was sleeping.

Leo laughed. " Well I guess that's a no Mikey, maybe another time " Leo told his younger brother, who was now pouting and started walking to the rope to climb out of the hole to get to the battle-shell.

Don, now seeming to have calmed down walked over to Leo, who was now laying down beside Nazo.

" Hey Leo, when do you think your going to tell Raph and Master Splinter about Nazo? " he asked.

Leo got up and started walking over to the rope, while Don followed him.

" I don't know Don, I just need more time " Leo replied slowly.

" Time? What for? " Don asked.

" Time to find an explanation to why I lied to them, and why I told you and Mikey and April only " Leo told him as they both climbed out of the hole.

" Oh, well, why did you tell us and not them? " Don asked as Leo helped him out of the hole.

" I don't really know, well I guess I just knew that you three wouldn't tell master Splinter " Leo replied starting up the battle-shell as Don climbed inside.

Don and Leo's conversation ended at that and the rest of the drive back to the lair was silent.

Since the first test flight, Leo went back to the construction site everyday to fly with Nazo. And after every flight, Leo spent some time with Nazo before he had to leave to go back to train with master Splinter.

This went on for about a week, until one night when Leo came home and passed out during one of the lessons!

Leo woke up on the couch in the lair with a cold cloth on his head, and Mikey and Don by his side.

" What the shell? What happened? " Leo asked confused.

" Um well you kinda passed out from exhaustion bro " Don told him as he sat up.

" Oh, well I guess flying with a dragon, spending time with a dragon, and training all in one day can tire a turtle out but I still need to go back and see Nazo " Leo said to his brothers as he got up and started to walk towards the door to the garage.

Don ran in front of the door and stopped Leo.

" No way, Leo you can't keep doing this routine everyday it'll end up killing you, you need to have a schedule " Don told Leo, as he lead him to his lab.

" Don, I can't leave Nazo for a day he ne-... "

" Nazo can survive by himself for one day, he's a dragon, they live by themselves in the wild, so he'll be fine " Don interrupted Leo as he showed him the schedule he had made.

Leo only nodded his head at what Don was telling him.

" Okay I've talked to master Splinter and he has agreed to do lessons with you every second day and on the weekends, so then for the other days you can ride with Nazo, if you feel like it " Don told him.

So for the next week that's what Leo did, he followed Dons schedule and Nazo seemed to not have a problem with being by himself for the days that Leo had training. Finally the weekend came and Master Splinter had called the boys for a talk early in the morning.

" My sons, due to recent events in overtraining, I have decided not to hold lessons on the weekends, but will continue to have them during the week " Master Splinter told them looking at Leo while he spoke.

After Master Splinter left to go meditate, Leo ran up to his room and grabbed his flying gear, and left for the construction site.

When Leo got there Nazo was sleeping. Leo quietly put on his flight belt and then carefully put on Nazo's flight suit. Leo meditated for a few minutes as he waited for Nazo to wake up. When Nazo finally woke up he nearly squished Leo as he excitedly jumped out of his bed and rubbed up against Leo and bowed his head, to let him know that he was ready to go.

" Alright then boy, lets see what you've got today " Leo said as he jumped on Nazo's back, hooked himself on and tapped Nazo's sides. Soon they were up in the air doing their regular route, through the heart of the city and then back to the docks. Leo seemed not to mind being so up high anymore, and Nazo was happy that he could finally fly, even if he needed some extra help.

When they got back Leo decided not to take off Nazo's flight suit, he would go flying again soon anyway.

Suddenly Leo heard a sound coming from the construction site building. Nazo heard it to and began to growl.

" What do you think that is boy? " Leo asked Nazo.

Nazo began to slowly walk towards the building, and Leo followed.

When they were at the building, Leo could see a silhouette of two things right in front of him.

" No freakin' way!!! " one of the things said.

Leo swallowed hard, he knew that voice.

" Ummm, hi Raph " he said as his brother Raph and friend Casey jones emerged from the building.

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