How To Build And Test A Flight Piece

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When Leo, Don, and Mikey got home Don went over what he was going to build to help Nazo fly.

" Okay, modern technology would be to big and heavy to try to fly with, so we need to go with more primitive things to help with flying. I was thinking we would add something to his left wing to make it the same size as his right one. We'll need a strong cloth like material, some metal poles to hold it together, and I noticed while I was drawing the picture of Nazo that he has tiny holes on the edge of his wings, so we'll need some tiny clips to fit through them to clip on the piece, so it won't fall off at the face of the wind " Don explained to Leo and Mikey.

Leo brought a black trampoline tarp from the dump, (you know if you have a trampoline or have seen one, its the black strong bouncy part that you jump on) while Mikey brought some poles and Don started heating them up in and old fire place they had. Then he started bending the poles into place and started wielding them together. As Don instructed, Leo cut the black tarp into the shape of the edge of Nazos wing and cut tiny holes on the edges so that Don could tie the tarp to the poles.

Mikey found some clips that would fit in the holes in Nazo's wing and brought it to Don. Again Leo made more tiny holes on the inside of the tarp this time, and Don put the clips through. Don Slid the tarp through the poles that were also shaped like Nazo's wing and tied them together and as an added benefit for Nazo, Don even made the flight piece so that Nazo could close it up, so it wouldn't stick out when he closed up his wing when he tried to sleep or something, making it more comfortable, and they were finally done.

They managed to get some sleep before they headed back out early in the morning to try to out Don's latest masterpiece.

When they got back to the construction site. Leo, being the one Nazo trusted the most, called Nazo and made him open up just his left wing. Leo was nervous as he climbed on Nazo's back, but Leo had given Nazo a pile of fish to eat so that he would be distracted and not wonder what Leo was doing on his back. Leo slid the flight piece on Nazo's wing carefully, and unclipped the clips and fed them though the holes on Nazo's wing and then clipped them back together.

" How does it look Don? " Leo asked.

" Hmmmm, open it up " Don told Leo.

Leo did as his brother told him to, he pulled the piece open as Don looked at his incredible new invention.

" It looks great, but there's an unbuckled clip over there on the end by your foot " Don told him pointing to the loosely hanging clip.

As Leo began to fix he clip, Nazo had finished the fish pile and was now beginning to wonder what Leo was doing on his back.

Leo had fixed the loose clip and was now just sitting on Nazo's back admiring the flight piece.

" This is soooooo cool dudes, now Nazo will be able to fly around, and maybe even give us rides " Mikey said jumping up and down excitedly.

Nazo, now hearing the word fly, was beginning to slowly stretch open his right wing to match his left wing, which was already open. Leo, so caught up in thinking about what Mikey had just said, didn't notice what Nazo was doing with his right wing, but thankfully Don and Mikey did.

" Ummmmm, Leo " Mikey said to his older brother.

" Ya, one sec Mikey " Leo replied, not even looking up at him.

Nazo's wing began to stretch out farther and higher, but Leo still didn't notice.

" Um, Leo! " Don said, a little more urgently.

" One minute! " Leo replied, sounding annoyed.

At this point, Nazo's wings were at equal length, and he started to swish his tail back and forth.

" LEO!!! " Don and Mikey shouted in unison.

" WHAT!!! " Leo shouted.

But it was too late.

Nazo was up in the air flying high, with Leo still on his back! Leo was screaming and holding on for dear life. He then noticed that the flight piece wasn't opening up, it couldn't against the wind. Then uncontrollably, Nazo took a turn and was headed straight for the unfinished building! Leo then did what he thought was crazy. He grabbed the flight piece and opened it up, and held it open. Nazo finally got control of his actions and swiftly turned out of the way. Leo had to turn the flight piece in different directions, depending on if Nazo was turning up, down, right, or left. When Nazo got lower to the ground, Leo thought that he was going to land, and let go of the flight piece, which immediately closed due to the wind from flying. Nazo though, wasn't actually going to land but since the flight piece closed he uncontrollably ended up taking a sharp turn, sending Leo flying off his back and sending himself crashing to the ground.

" Leo!, are you okay!? " Don asked as Mikey went to go get Nazo and make sure he was okay.

" Ya, I'm fine, but did you see that, it was amazing!! " Leo told his brother getting up and running over to Nazo, who was fine as well.

" Hmmmm, so you had to hold the piece open for it to work? " Don asked Leo.

" Ya " Leo replied.

Don had a big smile on his face. " Okay then I have another idea to make this work " Don said before he, Leo, and Mikey went home so that Don could explain his second plan to his brothers in his lab.

(Sorry this chapter is shorter, thought to just focus on the building and test of the flight piece, I'll try to make the next part longer)

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