little suicidal voices

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They liked their privacy but they invaded mine,
filling my naive brain with words beyond it,
it seemed like a river filled with dirt and trash,
but it was true as love was to Eros.

They're called demons,
casted away till the end of time,
they fought and are still- fighting,
for what they believe in.

Those dark, dark, dark fallen angels,
brought me solace as did Romeo to Juliet.
Their whispers- like a lover's caresses,
ran deep, into my soul.

They dwelled in the darkest, deepest part of my brain,
those voices in my head were my little friends,
my friends fed on my anxieties and insecurities,
they quenched their thirst with my fears.
Surprisingly, I found peace in their room,

Their voices, I got addicted to,
killing me slowly with sour love,
I wanted to end it all- I want to tune out everything, but-

Where's the courage I had years ago?

S a m m e e h a

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