20: Hold It Down

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I woke up in our room but I could tell we were robbed.

Who the fuck does this? I got up and Nate was nowhere to be found.

"Hello." He said when answered the phone.

"Where you at? What happened?"

"I'm handling that right now. You just stay in the house."

"What happened is the question."

"I'll explain when I get back to the house."

"Okay bye." I said as I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I looked at the clock and its was 2:37. I know it was late but I fixed me some breakfast.

"Hey mom."

"Marcus is in the hospital. Come now." She said quickly before hanging up. I wrapped my plate up and jumped quickly in the car.

"Upstairs in room 212." She said as she walked out of the emergency room. I walked in and he was in the bed watching cartoons. He seemed alright to me.

"Whats up lil' nigga?" I asked and he smiled at me.

"I was riding my scooter and my foot got stuck under it. I skid down the hill so there was blood and my foot is broken into tiny bits and peices." He explained and I winced.

"You okay?" I laughed because he was over exaggerating.

"Yeah, but I dont know what wrong with mom. She has been acting different lately."

"Okay. I'll talk to her. You get some sleep. Call me and I'll be up here tomorrow." I kissed his forehead and went out on a search for mom.

"Mom. Talk to me."

"He just-"

"No. Whats wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." She faked smilled.

"Your lying. Okay, fine. Be alone then." I said and walked off. If she doesn't want help I'm not about to force her.

"Where you been?" Nate asked as I walked in the kitchen.

"I was at the hospital." I said and he choked on his drink.

"For what?" He asked slight nervous.

"Because my brother was in the hospital." I said slowly and walked upstairs. He came behind me and I knew something was up. I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"What did you do?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm sorry."

"Wow. Thats explains everything. You claimed you loved me and wanted to be with me so much then you run off and do some stupid shit."

"I do love you. I was drunk and she took advantage of me."

"You should have took yo' drunk ass to the corner of somethin'." I said and walked out the door.

"Hear me out on this. I didnt mean to. I swear that I love you Marquasia."

"I'm sure you didnt mean to stick your dick in another bitch. Right. Fuck you. I'm done."

Its crazy how he knows I cant trust niggas and the person that I was trusting the most, goes and steps on me. I drove to Keisha's house and she helped me find a pretty decent apartment. Of course it wasnt in one day, but we got it done.

At this point, my phone was off. Nate kept texting and calling me. Nigga do you not or do you not get the fact that I'm done with you. I still had a lot of money from selling because Nate always bought everything, so I was just saving up. There was a loud bang on the door and I kind of got scared. Who the hell is this beating on my door at 2:00 in the afternoon? Its too early for that.

I opened the door to see Khalil. This nigga is creepy. Real nigga shit.

"What do you want?" I asked through the door?

"I want to talk to you. No bullshit. Just a simple conversation."

"No." I said and walked away.

"Qua I'm serious. I'm not on no funny shit. Just let me apologize."

"Bye Khalil." I said and went back to my room.

I decided to watch a movie on Netflix until there was another knnock on the door.

"Khalil, just give up." I said as I opened the door but it wasnt Khalil.

"Ugh, You just as bad as him. Bye." I said and tried to closed the door but he stopped it with his foot.

"Stop doing this to me. You are my everything and I swear from the bottom of my heart that I love you." He pleaded but I wasnt taking his puppy talk.

"Thats good to know you feel that way, but no. Bye." I said and successfully closed the door.

I threw on some clothes and went to the hospital. Marcus was still in there, but hopefully he is released soon.

"Hey buddy."

"Hey Qua. You brought me a soda?" He asked reaching for it.

"No, but I'll get you one next time." I smiled and he made a puppy dog face.

"I'm in the hospital and cant walk. All I ask for is a soda." He said trying to win me over.

"No boy. I'll get you one next time."

"Fine then." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Well what did they say about your foot?"

"Its just a couple of broken ones and I get a cast." He said smiling. I will never understand they little weird selves.

"Okay. Good."

"I tried to call you last night, but it went straight to voicemail."

"I turned off my phone. Sorry."

"Do I need to beat upa guy?" He said cracking his knuckles.

"No little boy. Its fine. Thank you. I gotta go."

"Okay. Bye."


I waited for a cab since, that was Nate's car. Thats my next mission.

I walked into my apartment and thought about what has happened this week. Khalil needs help and Nate is cut off period. Its hard for me to do that to him considering that fact that he's my boss. I see him damn near everyday. I'm not gonna lie because I caught feelings for the boy. I do that easily.

But there is no way I'm gonna let him cheat and lie and still think we can be happy together. No. It doesnt work like that. And I wish my heart wouldnt work like this. I wanted to cry because he did me wrong. But I learned to never let them see you down. I stood my ground, even if I was alone. Crying is for the weak, something I will and have never been.

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