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No Love would be a song that could describe me. With no dad and barely a relationsh ip with my mom, I have no time for love. Its an emotion I dont care for. I'm scared of relationships and too stubborn to admit it to anyone else. Love is just an emotion for other people, its not meant for me. I keep my heart by my chest so stay the fuck away.

Marquasia is my name but just call me Qua. I live with my mom and younger brothers Marcus and Marcell. I have job because im independent and like to have my own money so I can buy my own shit. I have a lot of boundaries and I dare you to cross them. I dont like the outside world or people period because they are annoying fuckers.

My life has been hard but I survived and I kept me and my brothers together. For a minute we started slippin.





We sat in the court room as the jusdge started to come out. Warm tears started to form in my eyes to even think of what  could happen. The separation, I wouldnt be able to live with. I crossed everything that was possible. My brothers were too young at the  point to fully understand what was happeneing but they knew that they may be apart from me. Even though sometimes they can be annoying as hell, they my fam and I will kill anybody for them.

We waited patiently as my mom came out and the case worker.

"Come on kids." The case worker said. I guess we have to go through this whole foster care and bullshit again. I hate that ny mom did this shit. I know that was her way of hustlin but damn, why you get caught? How?

We walked into the office full of white people, smiling. But I knew deep down inside that they didnt give 2 shits about us. We sat for hours before they found us someplace to go. There a white couple with 3 kids already. 2  of there own and 1 adopted. We got there and had to share a bunk bed in a medium sized room. We had a good view of the front lawn and a nice bathroom.

I tucked Marcus and Marcell in and climbed down to the lower bunk. I was too tall for all that top bunk shit. Unh-uh. I cried myself to sleep thinking about the life I lived. At the time I decided that it was time to stop crying and do something about. I was only 12 but thats old enough. I gotta get our life right.

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