Chapter 3: First day at moonstone

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The Next Morning

I woke up to the sun only slightly above the horizon. It was seven in the morning.

I have to get sometime, plus I didn't eat yesterday. I combed my hair and put on my shoes. I walked down the hall to the stairs, remembering what turns we took on the way to my room last night. Finally, I found the stairs. I started looking for the kitchen once I stepped off the stairs.

Eventually, I found it. Walking in I bumped into someone.

"Well, someones up bright and early! What's your name dear?" Someone, who I think is the Luna, asked.

"Andrea Grey, ma'am," I answered.

"Nice to meet you, I am Luna Autumn," she smiled kindly while she talked," you must be the new member to the pack."

"Yes," I say politely.

"How old are you?" She questioned.

"I am sixteen." I answered.

"I have a daughter your age, she would probably love to meet you," She said. "Oh, we need to get you signed up for school tomorrow."

"Yup, just finish this year and I'm out of school until college." I spoke.

"What do you mean. You're in the tenth grade aren't you?" She had a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm actually in the twelfth grade, I skipped two years of school since I'm a very advanced student." I said.

"That's wonderful! You have a bright future ahead of you, my dear!" She exclaimed.

"Who has a bright future, mom?" A girl's voice questioned.

"This I Andrea. She will be starting at your school soon." Luna Autumn replied.

"Hi, I'm Grace," she said extending her hand for me to shake. I took her hand and shook lightly." What grade are you going to be in?"

"Twelfth grade," I answer.

Her eyes widened a bit in shock. "How is that, you look my age?" She questioned.

"I'm sixteen, skipped two grades though." She oh-ed. "What time is it?"

"It's 8:30, why?" Grace said.

"I'm going to join in on training at noon." I said.

"Cool, I'm training at noon too!" I smiled.

I picked up a banana and told then I was going to be in my room.

I sat in me room for hours reading.

There was a knock in my door.

"Come in." I said.

"Hey, Andrea training is about to start." Grace said.

"Okay, I'm going to change," I walked over to my backpack, then into the bathroom.

I walked down the stairs after changing and spotted Grace.

"Hey, so where is training at?" I asked. She then dragged me out the door. We walked down a path until we came to a clearing. Alpha Sean and Beta Daniel were there getting the others in two lines when we arrived.

When they spotted us we got put in different lines.

One line ran laps around the field for twenty minutes, while the other sparred. I was running laps. I was the fastest and stayed at the front without slowing down the whole twenty minutes.

When we switched everyone had sweat on their foreheads, except me. I only felt slightly tired, but not enough to take a break. The paired us off to start combat in human form.

The guy I got paired with lunged at me, but I quickly slid underneath him. I stood up, spun around and before he could even take a step, I had run around and knocked his feet out from under him.

He seemed quite shocked that I had done that.

"Well done Andrea. How did you learn to fight like that?" Alpha Sean said amazed.

"Even though my pack didn't treat me very well, I protected them since I was eleven. I've learned a few things. For example, my hearing, sight, and sense of smell are even more heightened than a patrol wolf. My pack thinks there has never been a rogue anywhere near our territory." I answered.

"That is amazing. We should have you put on patrol or at least teach your combat skills." He smiled.

"Sure I'd be happy to help." I said.

"Alright, everyone practice is over. Time for dinner," Alpha Sean spoke loudly to everyone.

We walked back to the house. While everyone went to the dining room, I went into the kitchen. I grabbed some bread and a water bottle. I walked up to my room after eating my bread. I changed and went to sleep. Only two months of school and then I don't have to go there again, I thought as I dozed off.

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