Chapter 2: Moonstone Pack

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3 Days Later

I've been running for so long, only stopping to eat and sleep. I'm still tired though, when I do sleep it's only two hours at a time, so far I've only slept six hours. I am exhausted.

I finally made it to the Moonstone Pack territory boarder. They are a strong pack, hopefully ill fit in.

I step over the the line and take a couple of steps, then I just stop and listen.

"Who are you?" A voice called.

"Andrea Grey," I answer the voice.

"What is your business coming here?" I identify a guy voice, probably the beta or third in command.

"I would like to join your pack." I said with a calm voice, even though I was covered in dirt, and probably looked like I had slept on the ground, which I had.

"Follow me. You must speak with the Alpha." He said.

"Thank you," I said, then quickly followed behind him. We walked for about a mile until we came to this big house.

The beta walked up the stairs, down the hall, and to a door, while I followed. He knocked on the door. "Alpha, we have a rogue who wants to join the pack."

"Send them in," a voice called out. The beta stepped aside an motioned for me to go in.

Stepping into the room a voice came from straight ahead. "State your name and business," he said.

He looked about in his forties, but kind. "My name is Andrea Grey from Shale Stone Pack. I would like to join Moonstone Pack. I ran away from mine, for they treated me horribly after my parents died." I said my voice wavering a bit.

"Why of course my dear, you can join our pack. How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm sixteen, sir." I said politely.

"You speak with such great manners. My name is Alpha Sean. Daniel can you please show this girl to her room?" He spoke. "Yes Sean," Daniel said.

We walked towards the door.

"Oh, by the way there will be training tomorrow at noon if you would like to join in." Alpha Sean said.

"Yes, thank you." I said a bit quiet. Daniel led me down the hall. All of the doors had names on them. We finally stopped outside a door.

"Here we are. You may decorate how ever you want. Your name must go on the door." He spoke nicely.

"Thank you, good night." I answered.

"Good night," he responded as he walked off.

I walked into the room to find the walls were a pretty color of lavender. I walked into the bathroom, I quickly showered and dressed into something clean. I laid down on the bed and immediately was consumed by a dreamless sleep.

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