How far will you go, to offer protection to the protector?

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                          There were so many times when I wished

                           I could take back all my vicious actions;

               And to make you understand those were unleashed,

                      From my bleeding heart and self-preservation.

                 But don't you know, darling, about taking chance?

              About how love and hurt are barbs in a same feather;

               One can both be happy and sad in this life's dance

         And only by learning to embrace both will bound us together.


Jace walked into the Institute in high spirit that evening. A good demon hunt always cheered him up. Behind him, Clary followed with a deep sense of amusement. Both of them were a little bit tired but were extremely satisfied from the afternoon assignment. After last week's revelation of Alec's visions were originated from an Angel and to see Alec's incredible drawing session, a week of temporary peace was always a good news in her book. Ever since she became a Shadowhunter almost two years ago, Clary had learned to find and appreciate even a miniscule of good news amongst the heap of bad ones.

Life as a Shadowhunter might not be easy but Clary would gladly bear all of that if it meant she would have Jace in her life. Something in life simply couldn't be compared with any other things. Clary's priority would always be Jace.

"You are so easy to please," Clary teased as she put away her blades. Jace threw a confident smirk over his shoulder before pulling Clary's hand towards him. Laughing like a pair of children, they broke into a small run through the Institute.

"Where's Izzy and Alec?" Clary asked breathlessly when they stopped in the training room.

"I think Izzy said something about being in the lab. Alec called me this afternoon, saying he's taking the rest of the day off." Jace shrugged carelessly. "I suppose he is in his room brooding."

"Yeah?" Clary smiled, excited at the prospect of having Jace all by herself for the rest of the evening as well.

"Yeah," Jace echoed. "Why, do you have something on your mind?" A soft, fond smile appeared on Jace's handsome face. It was times like these that Clary cherished; the tender moments that they shared in between those whirlwind times as Shadowhunters.

"I was thinking-" Clary started before Jace's phone rang. She sighed at the interruption but still, she nodded her head, telling him to answer the call first.

"Hold that thought," Jace teased as he raised his phone to look at the name. The word Alec flashed. Huffing a small laugh, Jace pressed the answer button. Alec probably had finished his brooding and tried to determine his whereabouts. Such a mother-hen.

As soon as Jace put the phone on his ear, he nearly dropped it when a heart-stopping and chilling scream filled his ear. "ALEC!" Jace cried, his heart immediately pounded a hundred miles per hour as his hands felt cold in sudden fear.

"Alec! Alec! Answer me!" Jace shouted to the phone as his feet moved without him realising. He kept the phone pressed to his ear as he broke into a frantic run towards Alec's room. A hundreds different scenarios were playing in his head right now and none of them was reassuring. Behind him, Clary followed him close, equally concerned.

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