It makes no matter if you're his friend or lover, for love transcends always

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                             Don't you know that you've always been mine?

                             Mine to protect, to love, to keep and to cherish;

                  Whether you're my lover or friend, it makes no never mind,

                            For I'll be here with you until my life is perished.

                               So, don't go too far away from me, darling,

                           Don't go to the places that I cannot follow you;

                                    And if the fate insisted in us parting,

                           Then, you can be sure I'll find a way to go follow


"Are you sure he'll come, Magnus?" Jace said in agitation. He was pacing in Magnus's living room, nervous energy was barely contained.

Magnus was no less restless compared to Jace. The warlock kept picking up and putting down the jars at the dark mahogany shelves. He shoved his worry down in the pretense of stock-taking his spell ingredients and rearranging the books. "He is compelled to come. The High Warlock is demanding his presence and by the rules of warlock community, he cannot refuse." Magnus answered calmly. His tone was in complete contrast with his harried movement.

He looked at the way Jace kept looking out the window. He understood Jace's agitation; he shared it. Ever since the day Jace received the Virtutis rune, the visions came to Alec like waves, one after another continuously and exhaustively. Something was now different in the way Alec received the vision. With Jace's assistance, Alec was no longer losing his consciousness after each vision but it didn't mean the visions were pain-free. It was as if Jace provided the needed power for Alec to see the vision without taxing his body as quickly as before. The pain still caused Alec's health to deteriorate but at least, they were granted more time to figure this out.

The continuous visions also indicated that the interval period of resting that Alec was usually granted, was now taken away. Jace tried to do his part as much as he could as the blond Shadowhunter stuck beside Alec like a leech. Since only Jace had the power to assist Alec, he was afraid of not being there when Alec needed him - not when the memory of Alec dying was still so fresh in everyone's mind.

Magnus was grateful for that. He was grateful that Jace could help Alec in some way. Even though Jace's Virtutis rune didn't take the excruciating pain away from Alec, but at least, Alec didn't have to fight the battle alone. But at the same, Magnus couldn't help feeling a little bit of envious at Jace for being able to help Alec. Oh, he knew that if anyone could help Alec, of course it would be Jace. Jace was both his parabatai and a Shadowhunter. He was born to bear the rune. He had the required angel-blood to help Alec.

And Magnus didn't.

No matter how deep Magnus's love was towards Alec, he was still half-demon. He was an offspring of Asmodeus, a Prince of Hell. How could a demon like him mix with an angel like Alec?

The thought tasted bitter in his mouth.

Magnus tried to hide his resentment at his own inadequacy even though he knew he was not to be blamed for who he was. He knew that. He had hundreds of years accepting of he was. But, by the Heavens above, Magnus wanted, so very much, to share Alec's burden. Magnus wanted to make the path easier for Alec. Magnus still wanted to be the one Alec turned to when he needed any kind of help. He wanted to love and assist and be there for Alec in any way that he could.

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