Chapter 3

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"Morning, Uncle Kenji!" Seina yawned as she dragged herself into the Prime Minister's office. A drowsy Colten rested on her shoulder with bags under his eyes. A dutiful Mr. Kiyojiro stood behind her, alert and ready for any trouble.

"Do you realize what time it is?" A grumpy Colten said.

"Yeah, sorry about this." The Prime Minister replied, a bit chagrined. "But there's a matter that requires our magical girl's help."

"Oh?" Tiredness left Seina as she stood to attention. She took her duties as a magical girl seriously.

"Sadly, it's a human problem this time." The Prime Minister turned towards his open window, gazing at the city as the sun rose for the day. "There's a gang going around causing problems. The reformed police force doesn't have the strength to deal with them."

This drew Mr. Kiyojiro's attention, listening with a keen ear. Seina frowned, was he worried because these troublemakers might have once been his friends? The bodyguard seemed to fit that crowd. A wave of guilt struck her for thinking this, but she couldn't help it. The comparison fits too neatly.

"We're bumping some heads together, got it!" Colten replied.

A pained expression showed on the Prime Minister's face. "I shouldn't be asking you this. You're only a ten-year-old girl. You shouldn't need to deal with these adult problems."

"It's fine, Uncle Kenji. Monster or human, I'll be happy to deal with it. It's my job as a magical girl to protect people."

Colten gave an emphatic nod. "You can count on us."

While still unhappy, the Prime Minister nodded in agreement. "They've been causing trouble in Kamagasaki. They've been exploiting and terrorizing people."

"I don't believe I've been there." The vampires hadn't allowed people to travel around much. Seina's whole life had comprised only a few street blocks.

"I can show her around. I've been there before," Mr. Kiyojiro said.

Uncle Kenji nodded his thanks. "Excellent, that simplifies things."

"Hey! Seems you've finally shown your worth, Kiyojiro!" Colten said. A glare from the bodyguard sent him scurrying behind Seina.

Not again. In the days since Mr. Kiyojiro had joined her service, the bodyguard and the fairy hadn't gotten along. Colten couldn't resist making snide comments at Mr. Kiyojiro's expense. While the bodyguard hadn't retaliated, Seina feared her fairy friend would push him too far.

"We'll solve this," Seina said before Colten antagonized her bodyguard any further. Besides, she was eager to leave. People needed her help.

"I must warn you, their leader has developed quite a reputation. I'm getting many conflicting reports. Some say you're behind it, Seina." Uncle Kenji snorted in amusement at such a ridiculous notion then shrugged. "It's nothing you can't handle, but I thought you needed to know. Good luck."


Seina followed her bodyguard as they made their way into the slums of Osaka. Before the darkness's arrival, the district already had a rough reputation. Because of the vampires, it appeared almost uninhabitable. An aura of dissolution and fear permeated the place. Much to Seina's surprise, people fled as they approached, whispering fearful and worried words.

At least Mr. Kiyojiro is good at scaring people away.

Interrupting her musings, Colten spoke up. "You know, Seina, I've invented some cool names for your magical girl form!"

Seina sighed. Not this again. Seina was Seina. Any other name wasn't necessary. Her fairy friend was insistent his friend had a cool superhero name that inspired people.

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