Chapter 8

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"Yes, suffer more!" A girl hiding behind a pillar said, watching her evil plan coming into motion. Emiyo watched from the sidelines expectantly, curious.

Emiyo waited and waited, but still, nobody screamed or howled in pain. She scanned around the packed food court and saw people going about their usual daily lives, laughing and having fun. Everything seemed normal, making Emiyo furrow her brow in confusion.

"Yes! Their suffering is so perfect!" The girl said again, her fairy partner smirking in satisfaction. The girl was a tiny thing, standing shorter than most pre-teen-aged girls. Her hair was bright pink, cut into a quick bob.

"Am I missing something?" Emiyo intensified her search, but found nothing but an average day at the mall.

"I don't see anyone dead or unconscious." Nyx flew around, searching for anything out of the ordinary. "It must be so subtle it's invisible!"

"What, come on!" An annoyed teenage boy with pimples said behind a counter at a burger place. "I just filled that!"

"Hey, what gives? Where's the ketchup? I'm in a hurry!" A customer said. "My movie starts in ten minutes!"

The boy winced. "Sorry, sir. I'll get some right away."

"Victory!" The girl said, her fist pumping upwards.

"Victory in what, exactly?" Emiyo asked behind the girl, who yelped in surprise.

"Emiyo, uh, hi! You aren't usually out in the field." Himari said, wearing a nervous grin on her face.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you!" Liam, her partner, gave a reassuring smile.

"You never answered my question."

"You know, magical girl stuff!" Himari said. "Causing all the suffering I can."

Emiyo gestured to the calm food court, her patience thin. "What suffering?"

"Lots of it! We stole all that store's condiments." Liam replied. "Remember how annoyed that man was? He might miss the beginning of his movie! Now that employee needs to refill the condiment stand! What a bother, right?"

Himari gave an emphatic nod. "Right! And that worker got yelled at! No one likes that!"

Emiyo fought the urge to rub her temple, feeling a headache coming on. "This is your idea of suffering? Really?! Suffering is having your body crushed and living in never-ending agony. Suffering is losing everyone you've ever loved and having nothing to live for. Suffering is living in a nuclear wasteland!"

"That boy seemed pretty miserable to me," Himari muttered under her breath.

Himari coughed, regaining her confidence. "I think you're a little confused. I'm actually playing the long game!"

Despite herself, this piqued Emiyo's interest. Perhaps she'd misjudged the girl?

"Yeah, nuclear wastelands are great and all, but it's tacky and too easy." Himari puffed out her chest. "I'm destroying worlds with a thousand cuts!"

"Sorry, what?"

"It's simple. I'm causing countless small instances of suffering so they'll build into something greater and more explosive. People will bottle up their frustration until they burst and cause untold havoc!"

Emiyo's eye twitched. "This is your brilliant plan, really?"

"Totally evil, right?" The girl and her partner gave an emphatic nod.

In her head, Emiyo's headache intensified. "No wonder the suffering levels in your universes have only increased by .00000000001 percent."

"I'm playing the long game."

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