Chapter 14

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Something warm trickled onto Takako's face, falling like a gentle rain. Her entire body screamed in agony, almost making her wish for death. Yet, the rain soothed her, bolstering her spirit. Her eyes flickered open, her vision indistinct and blurry. Takako tried speaking, but only a deep moan escaped her lips.

"T-Takako, you're alive!" Someone cried, overcome with joy. Takako blinked, finding Aiko standing above her, tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Aiko?" The sound of birds chirping caught her attention and one stared at her for a moment before fluttering off. The smell of damp grass struck her nostrils next and memories flooded into her, remembering what had happened. That jerk Ume had left her to die in this clearing!

Her friend placed a finger over Takako's lips. "Don't talk. Save your strength."

Takako could only manage a weak nod. Nier appeared beside Aiko, relieved beyond words. Was it Takako's imagination, or had her fairy partner been crying?

"I'd thought we'd lost you. It's a miracle you're even alive!" Neir said. Takako managed a weak laugh. Who did her fairy partner think he was speaking to? Takako was basically unkillable. Her eyes widened when she realized the culprit who'd caused her current condition was still free to cause mischief. A gentle hand pressed Takako down before she attempted anything reckless.

"You aren't in any condition to fight," Aiko said, her tone admonishing. "Let Seina handle it. She's good at taking care of herself."

Great. Now I'm letting Seina do the hard work and take the credit! Her spirit was eager for payback, but even twitching a finger felt like a monumental task in her condition.

"Let's get you somewhere safe," Aiko grunted in pain as she attempted to pull her friend onto her back. Dirt cascaded off her back and legs as Takako left the ground. Great, her favorite outfit was probably ruined! "The temple isn't far."

Blood soaked into Aiko's dress, but she didn't complain. She strained under the effort of carrying Takako, somehow climbing the steep hill leading up towards it by herself. Nier hovered around them, fluttering around nervously.

The temple was pitch black as Aiko pulled open the doors. She jerked painfully as an enormous Buddha statue came into view, mentally slapping herself for getting startled. Its face was serene, somehow easing her trouble. A colorful altar sat beneath it covered with candles and a stone jar for incense. Aiko used some matches to illuminate the room. From the flickering flames, Takako saw dust and grime, untouched for years. Fresh agony screamed through her body as the dust made Takako sneeze. Exhausted by her efforts, Aiko placed her friend on the padded floor with the least amount of dust.

"It isn't much, but it's better than the outdoors. I'll see if there's anything to treat wounds with. I'm uncertain if magical girls can get infections, but I'm not risking it." Aiko disappeared into a far door. She returned in triumph, first aid kit in hand.

"Do you think it's safe to use expired antiseptic?" Aiko studied a small pouch, reading its instructions. "Oh well. It can't hurt."

"Let me." Neir floated above his partner, applying the cream with his paws, while Aiko prepared the bandages. The antiseptic stung, but Nier's gentle paws reduced its impact. A pang of shame struck Takako. Her fairy partner was being so kind towards her, but she'd only ever treated him like dirt.

"Thanks." Her gratitude seemed inadequate considering how much still remained unsaid between them.

How do you atone for hundreds of years of ill-treatment? Still, it was a start.

The bandages and antiseptic were doing a better job than Takako had expected. Already her pain numbed. An hour and she'd be strong enough to use her gun. She spent the time describing her encounter with the rogue magical girl, Ume Akiyama, Coneflower Purity.

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