Chapter 44

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"It's going along super well, Chō!" Seina said. "At this rate, you'll have a true classic. All of Aiko's friends are talking about your manga!"

"..." As usual, Chō gave no response, but Seina detected an edge of smugness in the girl's expression. But Seina didn't begrudge her this. The pair worked hard to make their creation a reality. And with new manga in short supply, people were eating it up.

"Thank you, Seina," Izumi said, abashed. It's always a pleasure to have you drop by. Despite visiting every few days for almost three months, the mangaka was still star-struck at Seina's presence. The cost of being a famous hero, she supposed.

"Yeah, I can't wait until the next issue! You just had to end on that cliffhanger, didn't you?" Colten had gotten hooked on the manga, visiting the newsstand every morning, so there wasn't a chance he'd miss the next issue of Shoujo Jump.

Seina found it silly that he bought a magazine for a single chapter of one manga. The fairy didn't care for the other manga in the collected issue, considering them too girly for his liking. Well, whatever. She liked them, so the purchase wasn't a waste.


"Yes?" Seina replied, hoping she'd hit the mark on whatever the girl wanted. When Chō tapped her toe in annoyance, Seina realized she'd gotten it wrong, again.

"She's asking how Emiyo is doing?" Izumi said, supplying his friend's meaning. He was always more in tune with Chō's thoughts than Seina.

"Oh, that. She's fine." Seina paused for thought. "I think she's doing odd jobs around town. I don't see her that often." Emiyo lived in another building with another family, a mother and her child. With the former lieutenant's insistent need to keep busy, it wasn't easy to catch sight of her. Far different from Takako, who enjoyed lounging around and reading manga all day.


"Right," Seina said, giving her typical automatic reply. Inwardly, she sighed. Despite her best attempts to become friends, they hadn't really gelled. The same with Emiyo.

I suppose not everyone is meant to be friends.


"Good plan." Izumi whipped his brow. It was the middle of summer, and the humidity was killing them all, despite the poor fan in the corner's attempts to keep them cool. Since the vampire's defeat air conditioning was an almost unknown luxury. "Lunch sounds nice."

"And ice cream!" Colten added, with Seina nodding in response. For some reason, the ice cream vendor seemed to hate her guts, but Seina tried her best to be friendly with the woman, regardless.

Before they could leave, a figure burst through the door, surprising them both. "You! Are you Seina?"

"Yes?" Whoever was at the door, she didn't recognize them. The girl wore her deep purple hair in an elaborate braid that hung over her shoulder. She was tall for a magical girl, standing almost a meter taller than Seina. The newcomer's broad face wore a deep frown, her eyes fraught with tension.

"Good, you are here." A more familiar voice said. Behind her followed the frantic stranger.

"Takako? What's going on? Who's this?" Immediately, Seina sensed something was wrong. A deep foreboding struck her, knowing her peaceful days had finally ended. Much to Seina's surprise, Liam, Himari's partner, was hovering behind her. A quick glance revealed that, strangely, Himari wasn't with them.

"Too much," Takako replied. "This is Kyoko. It's best if she told her story."


"Craziness," Seina said, his voice filled with grim disbelief.

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