Chapter 63

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"I..." Lady Kaguya stared at Seina, dumbfounded. For once, the aloof vampire queen seemed lost for words, thoroughly flummoxed.

"Way to go, Seina! You did it!" Colten said, beaming.

Seina twitched her fingers, surprised at the power they possessed. She could crush mountains with her fingertips. Leap to the other edge of the universe with a single bound! For the first time in her short life, Seina felt completely unbound, alive.

"You..." Kaguya continued to stare, shaking her head. For once, Seina couldn't sense her mistress's presence. The link between the subservient ward and her ruler had irrevocably shattered.

Was she even a vampire anymore? Much to her disappointment, a lick across her lips dispelled that hope. Her fangs were still present. While a faint echo, the thirst for blood still raged in the back of her mind. She still heard the gust of blood of the veins of everyone around within 200 miles. Still, a contentment washed over her, making her wonder if she really even needed blood anymore. Was Colten's magic alone all she needed to sustain her? Seina wasn't sure how to feel about that. It changed the fundamental nature of her existence. What was she?

Mei, however, seemed less than impressed by this unexpected development. "So what? Am I supposed to be impressed at the sudden emergence of some fledgling magical girl?"

The Devil Princess's expression turned sinister. Seina took an involuntary step back. "And I expect you to fall in line. You belong to Starlight Dream now. And disobedience will result in total annihilation. You blocked my blow? Impressive. But I won't tolerate any more rebellion. Or do you think you can defeat me, little girl?"

"I..." Seina scowled. High on her sudden power and success, she'd forgotten just how dangerous a foe she'd courted. These next few seconds would determine her future.

"Ha! Scared are you?" Colten said, all bravado. "You have no idea who you're messing with. I bet you're quavering in your boots!"

"Colten!" Seina said, alarmed. Did he have a death wish? Yet she admired his courage.

"That's right. We aren't backing down." Seina said, coming to a snap decision. What the heck. Fate had led them to this moment. Why not see where it led?

"Tsk." Kaguya clicked her tongue in annoyance. "I should have figured this might happen. You really are a demon, Seina."

"What's wrong, Mei? Things not going as planned?" Despite the mangled condition of her body, Arisu's smile told a different story.

"It doesn't matter," Mei said, teeth clenched behind her mask. "Destruction is your only fate, wayward child."

Seina gasped as Mei's broken sword drove at her with speed she couldn't hope to match. But metal scrapped across metal as Arisu blocked the blow with the broken rod of her staff.

"You!" Mei's hand whipped back at the Wicked Queen, but the girl slipped aside. While still slow, her body had regained much of its composition. The Devil Princess leaped and stabbed, eager to return the violence to her ancient foe.

But Seina won't allow Arisu to fight alone, using her fists to attack Mei. As quick as she was, Seina used her vampiric nature as a predator to anticipate her weak spots. Much to her astonishment, her blows seemed to at least sting her opponent. Mei hissed as one struck her temple hard enough to rattle her brains. This earned the Devil Princess's ire, Seina winced as she just dodged a mortal blow. The next kick crumpled her, pain so intense it blinded her.

"No, don't fight like that! Use your magic!" Colten said.


"Um, shoot her?" Colten said, giving a weak smile. "You have your wand!"

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