Hot Springs

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꧁ 15 ꧂

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꧁ 15 ꧂

"Stop discriminating cats, Langa."

The seven stood in the middle of the pathway, dressed in the provided robes, some adjusting them to size.

"Alright, first one to make it to the hot springs is the winner. You can take any path you want," Joe grinned.

"Wait, isn't this just about how well you can read maps?" Langa puffed in realisation.

"I knew dungeon games would come in handy." Miya smirked.

Reki began frantically looking at his surroundings. "A-ARE YOU SURE YOU GUYS WANNA DO THIS NOW? I MEAN, IT'S A BIT DARK TO READ MAPS!" Reki stuttered, fiddling with his skateboard.

Everyone ignored him.

"Carla... countdown..."

"okay sir"

They got into race position, Reki stood behind.





The group simultaneously jumper onto their boards, Cherry and Shadow taking the lead.

Shadow looked over his shoulder at the pink haired man, scoffing to himself. "Sorry to do this buddy... LASER!" Shadow suddenly shot a laser beam torch in Cherry's eyes, causing him to him spin and drop back.

"At it clown, it's no fun if you're not gonna fight for it. Am i right guys?" Joe chuckled, turning to Langa, Miya and y/n behind him who all gave stern nods.

The three suddenly sped up catching all the way up to Shadow.

"IM HEADING THE SHORT ROUTE!" Shadow boomed, the three behind him following in pursuit.

Shadow was in the lead, Langa just behind, then y/n then Miya.

The girl wiggled her board back and fourth.

' The trucks are too loose...'

Miya seemed to take notice of the girl dropping speed.

"Oi," She looked at the boy, now beside her. "you okay?"

"yup, just peachy!" she beamed back, not wanting to make a big deal out of her situation.

Everyone began to speed up, there was a sharp turn up ahead.

Y/n was the last to turn, she reversed her board so she was leaning to the inside before her trucks completely gave way, making her spin out to the floor.

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