Here we go again

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꧁ 21 ꧂

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꧁ 21 ꧂

"what Are You Doing ?!"




Adam didn't even look down at the boy. "What a lovely start, I believe we haven't had a proper race together Miya."

"It's only the qualifiers. Besides, I'm not one of those slime boys you'll be able to take down in one race." The boy scoffed on return.

"Take down? Whatever do you mean by that?" Adam teased.

"Don't play dumb"

"Sweetie, love is not dumb. And I always fall hopelessly in love with my skating partners." Adam taunted, pulling on his leather gloves.

Miya's eyes narrowed, head pushing itself back in both confusion and disgust
"... you what?"

"You see, at times it may seem rough. But it's just love in a different form" Adam smiled to himself, ignoring Miya's disturbed look.


They took off.

After the success of Adam and Miya, Joe and langa lined up ready for their qualifier race

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After the success of Adam and Miya, Joe and langa lined up ready for their qualifier race.

"Listen up... Joe's gotta get first place... so we're gonna take out that newbie." A guy muttered from behind his costume mask, motioning towards Langa.  All of his friends nodded in agreement, wearing the same masks.


Off they were again...

...only this time, langa was being circled.

"Bet you haven't seen anything like this before, huh?" The same guy from before snarled, pulling out what looked to be a bat.

He pulled it up in the air, ready to swing, only for Langa to quickly spin out of the circle and catch up with Joe.

Joe smiled at him " looks like I didn't need to step in after all"


Ofcourse Joe and langa both made it through.

Ofcourse Joe and langa both made it through

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"Carla. What was Adam's time?"
"Four minutes exactly"

The girl smirked.

"I'm in a good mood, I think I can beat it... you?" She turned to Cherry.

"You already know my answer," he laughed from behind his ski mask.


They took off rather quickly, the squeals from Cherry's fan girls passing by their ears in a blur.

They were going fast.
Fast enough for Cherry to turn his board to another mode.

She crouched lower on her board.

Back at the starting point, Miya and the rest were watching on the screen.

"All they need is to get into the top two, why are they taking it so seriously?" He pondered out loud.

"... they want to go up agains Adam, they gotta stand out. What better way than beating his time?" Joe informed, not looking back at him.

The finish line was in sight.
Cherry had his arms out to steady him, whilst she was crouched down holding the side of her board.

Most people couldn't even tell they had crossed the finish line, it was that fast. They had long forgotten the other contestants.

"Carla, what's my time?"
"Four minutes exactly"


She looked up at Adam. He was smoking a cigarette on the balcony.

"Carla what was s/n's time?"

It seemed Adam heard Carla loud and clear, breathing out one last puff of smoke and throwing the cigarette behind him before taking his leave.

She grinned.

Throughout watching shadows qualifier race, she couldn't sit still

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Throughout watching shadows qualifier race, she couldn't sit still. She kept feeling eyes on her at all moments.

The owner of the eyes?

What was she expecting? She beat his record.

So, she stared back. Just as menacingly.


The eye contact was broken. Y/n tuned around at the screen. A new skater was in the lead... ahead of Shadow?

She was now invested.

Miya let out some Sort of relived sigh after seeing her glaring competition come to an end. He didn't like the vibe Adam was giving off. He positioned himself slightly closer to the girl.

"I don't think I've ever seen that guy..." Joe spoke up, the group now beginning to gossip.

"what Are You Doing ?!" Adam growled under his breath at the sight of his 'dog' running loose in the race.

The new guy had won, Shadow in second.

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