✨Chapter 4 #1✨

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Warning : 

- Foul Language


2  w e e k s  p a s s e d  b y . . .  i t  w a s  f i l l e d  w i t h  c h a o s  a n d  l o v e . 

2 n d D a y.

"Yahoo~ Tobio-chan!" Oikawa called him. "Yes Oikawa-san?" Tobio answered. "Can you come here real quick?" Oikawa asked him and Tobio went close to Oikawa, then Oikawa did a peace sign while side hugging Tobio and snapped 5 pictures in less than 1 second. "Thanks Tobio-chan!~ Oh right! Tobio-chan do you want anything?" Oikawa asked him, then he answered, "I want milk".

Then for 5 minutes of Oikawa still side hugging Tobio, not letting him out of his grasp. Oikawa smiled, "alright! Just wait a minute and it should be here Tobio-chan!~" Oikawa said to him, which made him tilt his head and arched an eyebrow. Oikawa just squealed at his cuteness and hugged him, facing each other this time and Tobio being confused still, but hugged him back and snuggled as he loved the warmth the older was giving him.

Oikawa saw how his teammates glared at him and he smirked. Then, he let go and smiled, "Okay, come on Tobio-chan!" and before Tobio could ask, Oikawa dragged him to the cafeteria, that's when Tobio noticed... a second refrigerator?.. He noticed that Oikawa stopped and looked at him, then Oikawa motioned a 'go' to him, which made Tobio walk towards the refrigerator to find..


Milk everywhere inside the refrigerator, only milk. That's it. Tobio's eyes sparkled and Oikawa definitely saw it, but then Tobio turn around and said, "you don't have to do this for me Oikawa-san, this is a lot" Tobio said with a pout. Oikawa internally squealed, but he cleared his throat to act cool and smirked, "well I did, so just drink it whenever you want" Oikawa said and Tobio blushed and take one bottle of milk and drink it.

Oikawa smiled wider when he saw Tobio drinking the milk with sparkles in his eyes, he chuckled and snap a picture of him. Then he took a second to look at the picture and when he look up, Tobio wasn't there anymore, he's gone already. He frowned, but that stopped when he bring his phone back up and saw Tobio's picture again, he smiled while blushing and sat down to cherish those pictures in his heart.

Tobio was drinking his milk and was about to go to Oikawa when Kunimi and Kindaichi dragged him away, he saw them fully when they stopped dragging him and then Tobio thought they'd want an explanation for what happened in middle school, so he said, "um.. so I just want to say sorry for being like that during middle school, truthfully, I was like that because my 'grandpa' died and I just.. yeah, sorry" he look down.

Then he felt two index fingers grasping his chin to make him look up and he saw Kunimi and Kindaichi, their eyes were so captivating and he blushed and look away. They smirked seeing how he blush and hugged him, in a way of saying they forgive him and that they're sorry for his 'grandpa'. Tobio smiled slightly, making sure no one saw it and hugged them back to snuggle closer as he loved the warmth he was getting.

3 r d D a y .

"Do you need something? You've been staring at me for a couple of minutes now"  Kenma spoke. "Huh? Oh no, no, I don't need anything Kozume-san" Tobio replied. Kenma smiled, "you can call me Kenma" he said. "Oh okay then Kenma-san, you can call me Tobio" he replied. "you don't have to use honorifics with me, just call me Kenma" he said, with a slightly demanding tone. 

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