✨Chapter 5✨

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Tobio is currently walking around the park. His waist and his ankle had been healed earlier and he was allowed to go roaming around, although he needs to be careful to not get hurt again. Tobio found a swing and sat down. He loved swings, it's fun.

He liked the way the wind would gave chills to him, he liked the way the cold breeze from the wind brush past him as he swing himself, front to back and reverse, just like that. Though, from a farther place away from him...

"Hey, that's our target, right?" A certain man covered in black whispered to his teammate. "Yeah, boss said to capture him alive" his teammate answered. "Okay, I'm going to get him, you can watch out from here, alright?" the elder one asked while the younger just nodded at him.

The elder went close to Tobio, while Tobio didn't realize, as he was enjoying the wind, so he closed his eyes after a few seconds swinging front to back. The man went closer to him as he was being careful, not to get kicked, much to his unfortune, Tobio changed his pattern of swinging and unintentionally kicked the man.

The man yelped as he fell on his butt. Tobio shot his eyes open, to see a mysterious man in all black, he got scared, wondering why a mysterious man would try to get close to him, as in a split, he saw a shiny silvery thing, and he saw that it was a knife, before the man could stand up, Tobio ran as fast as he could back to the camp.

He was shaking as he ran, thoughts running through his mind wildly, his eyes tearing up as flashbacks went to him, his trauma from his childhood hitting on him like a brick. Not realizing he had arrived at the training camp, standing on the cafeteria, tears flowing through his cheeks.

It was 6 pm, so everyone was there, sitting down quietly, chatting with another while dining together, the boys, specifically, were wondering about Tobio, worried. When the door slammed opened to reveal an explicitly terrified Tobio.

Everyone, I mean everyone, stood up and ran to Tobio, not asking questions just yet as they needed him to calm down first, when it clearly didn't work. As they ran to Tobio, Tobio collapsed, so they didn't really calm him down.

Thank God, Hinata could run extremely fast to catch Tobio from hitting the cold and hard ground. Then they settled Tobio in a bed, in a certain room. Specifically, the boys stayed by Tobio's side, they were sitting in a circle, discussing what could possibly happened to Tobio that made him expressed such a terrified expression.

While the managers were just trying to clean Tobio, as he was sweating hard. Not until the private parts of his body though, of course. Once in a while, the managers would also state their opinions in the boys discussion, also worried for the younger. While Ukai was debating on rather to tell Tobio's siblings about it or not.

He came in a conclusion to tell them, as although they'd be furious, they deserve to know about Tobio's condition as well. He told them and before he could bid goodbye, they hung up. Then he knew that he should probably expecting some guests later on, so he told the other coaches about it.

Not even 10 minutes later, the Kambe siblings arrived and the coaches bowed to them, due to them being the boss, basically. The Kambe siblings stuff them in with a bunch of questions and the coaches, specifically Ukai, was struggling to answer. 

Since when he wanted to answer the question, another question came up and he was getting tired and irritated, though he knew he can't just snap on them. So he took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts and cooling himself down, "Okay, I'll answer your questions, but can you please ask them one by one?" he asked politely, showing his respect towards the Kambe siblings.

The Kambe siblings immediately shut up and apologized, showing their appreciation for being patient towards Ukai, as they start to ask questions one by one. Though, it clearly wasn't enough, since the only one who'd be able to answer those questions at the time Tobio was alone was Tobio himself.

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