✨Chapter 10✨

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Tobio woke up to see his siblings, they flew right away back to Japan when they heard the news from Ukai and arrived just about 5 minutes ago. They were crying- well, more like shedding tears, but you get the point.

Tobio saw the eyebags under their eyes very visible to him and got quite worried, he knew that his siblings were in another continent before and he was thinking if they travelled right away back to Japan after hearing about him.

Nevertheless, he felt happy that this actually means they cared for him, sometimes his siblings were too busy that makes him feel really lonely and invisible to them sometimes. He truly appreciate his siblings' care for him that they travelled all the way from another continent back to Japan just to see him.

He decided to greet them, "hey guys, stop crying already will you?" Tobio ended his sentence with a giggle. His siblings' look up to see their beautiful younger brother as a tear flows past their cheeks and some of their mouth agape.

They immediately tackled him into a hug, still making sure they won't hurt their precious brother while cheering, "Tobio!!" smiling happily in surprise as well, even Daisuke himself, although his smile was more nonchalant. 

After a few seconds, they broke their hug and they started talking and chatting together, although it doesn't last too long as Tobio got sleepy and he slept, of course, not before urging his siblings' to rest as well.

After Tobio fell asleep, the Kambe siblings promised him to rest and they aren't one to break their promise unless it was necessary, so they asked the coaches for some spare rooms for them to rest for a while and of course, the coaches heed to their words.

The volley members couldn't sleep last night, soon deciding to spend their time watching over Tobio and doing things that won't bore them to death, so they were still sleeping currently, extremely drained and exhausted. 

After a few hours, the volley members had woke up, so as Tobio and the rest of the Kambe siblings. The Kambe siblings went to the basement to do their "thing" while Tobio was given attention, affection and love by the volley members while being fed by Semi.

The day passed by rather quickly. The Kambe siblings had to go home soon, of course not without taking a bath after doing "that", they managed to get some information and told the coaches about it so they could dig deeper into that.

While with Tobio and the volley members, they soon got bored so they decided to midn their own business, doing their own things that doesn't bore the heck out of them, of course, still in the same room, together, watching out for Tobio.

Although the day didn't pass by ever so boringly of course, as apparently, the boys are making their moves on Tobio. The first thing that happened was when Tobio woke up, the boys helped him sat up as Sugawara pecked Tobio on the cheek and say, "slept well sunshine?" with such a cocky but sweet smile.

Tobio blushed, but he answered and I'm sure we all know the answer, so as Sugawara felt the deadly glares from the others, he made an excuse of going to the toilet for a while. Next was Daichi, he had a water bottle prepared and he drank it, then he offered it to Tobio, which Tobio gladly accepted.

Then as Tobio handed it back to Daichi, he drank it again and gave the cockiest smirk to the other boys who was fuming in jealousy but was clearly trying to hide it. The next is Kunimi, he made an excuse of feeling tired and Tobio who noticed, offered Kunimi to lay down beside him which of course Kunimi accepted.

Kunimi hugged Tobio's thigh who at first whined of the tickly feeling but soon adjusted and allowed Kunimi to do so. The next is what we all know, Semi took the chance as a few hours passed to take the food prepared for Tobio and fed him.

After that, to was just them chatting around and everything as the tension got quite boring so they just did their own things. Time passed by and soon it was already quite late at night, so as much as Tobio didn't want to stop playing his phone, the boys kept urging and pestering him to do so.

"Come on Tobio-chann!! You have to sleep!!" Oikawa whined at Tobio who kept pushing them away, not wanting to sleep. "Mfhjdhfjhfdhkdh!!!!! Noo!!" Tobio's voice was unclear and muffled at first as he shoved his face to his pillow, being stubborn, not wanting to sleep, but he pulled his head back at the end as his voice was clear.

"Please Tobio.. You need to sleep.." Kinoshita pleaded, "yeah Tobio. You have to rest, or your shoulder might get worse" Narita agreed, also desperate for Tobio to sleep, worried for Tobio. Just as Tobio was about to push them away again and disagree, his mouth was covered by a hand as he was pushed down with enough strength but softly to lay down and he was trapped there.

They were Tendou and Ushijima, Tendou covered Tobio's mouth and Ushijima laid Tobio down, him behind and his arm around Tobio's chest which makes Tobio flustered while Tendou in front of Tobio, his arm around Tobio's waist.

⁽ᵏʰʲᵃˢᵏᵍᶠᵍᶠᵃᵇʲʰᵍᵃᵇ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ˡⁱᵗᵉʳᵃˡˡʸ ⁱᵐᵃᵍⁱⁿᵉ ᵀᵉⁿᵈᵒᵘ'ˢ ˢᵐⁱʳᵏ ᵒᵐᵍᵒᵐᵍᵒᵐᵍᵒᵐᵍᵃᶠˡᵃᶠʰⁿᵃᵏᵇᶠ ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᶜʳᵉᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍ ʷⁱᵗʰᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ˢⁱᵐᵖⁱⁿᵍ ᵈⁱˢʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗᶠᵘˡˡʸᶠᵃᵇʲʰᵍᵃᵇ⁾

Tobio tried to Push them away, but clearly, these two were much stronger than him and Tobio's shoulder is injured, so he didn't have enough strength to push them away and eventually gave up.

As much as the rest of the boys were glad and relieved Tobio finally gave up and sleep, they were jealous too and really really really want to punch the smile Ushijima had and the smirk off of Tendou's face.

Although of course they didn't, they decided to take deep breaths a lot of times, wash their face, drink some water, punch a wall and soon they calmed down as they also head to sleep. Lastly, they bid each other goodnights and sweet dreams.

A/N : Sorry for the long wait, I've been running out of ideas and motivation. But I'll try my best to upload more until this series ends, thank you.

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