✨Chapter 4 #2✨

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Warning :

- Foul Language


2 w e e k s p a s s e d b y . . . i t w a s f i l l e d w i t h c h a o s a n d l o v e . 

8 t h D a y 

Tobio was sitting down at a bench in the middle of the night, when a thought came across his mind, am I.. a faggot?.. he asked to himself in his mind as he realized that he's gay and his habit of dancing ballet which was supposed to be a mostly female dance and his likeableness towards cross-dressing. 

He repeated his thoughts again and again in his head s he started feeling insecure each time, filling his brain with more dislikeable thoughts when he unconsciously said it, "am I a faggot?.." he froze for a while thinking about it and when he felt his tears threatening to come out by the burning sting in his eyes, "no" he heard two voices said in a unison.

His tears immediately dried down and his head rotated behind in a reflect to see that it was Suga and Daichi. Both elders sat down beside him, Tobio in the middle. "H-Huh?.. W-When did you got here?.." Tobio asked them. "Just now, we couldn't sleep" Daichi answered.

"Now.. why did you ask that to yourself?.." Suga asked in a gentle and kind tone. "Better yet, why would you have a question like that in the first place Tobio?.." Daichi said in the most gentle and kind tone he could ever spoke in. Suga nodded with Daichi's statement.

They could see Tobio hesitated for a while, but then he opened his mouth, "..just.. cross... ind.." Tobio whispered, inaudibly, that both elders came closer to him in a reflect and asked him to repeat what he whispered. Tobio took a deep breath before whispering again, "it just.. came across my mind.." this time, tears threatening to slip away.

He was scared, somehow, he just had the thought that they'd hate him because of his own insecurities instead of trying to help him cope with it, funny right?.. But he just couldn't help himself, he just had to think about mostly the negative, he just had to be so pessimistic at times..

He had a rough past and that itself built Tobio the way he is, feminine, negative, pessimistic at most times, expressionless.. but he still had hope and faith that he could still live his life nicely and peacefully.. 

Both Suga and Daichi stayed quiet for a few seconds, "hey.." they both spoke in a unison making his tears dried down once again as he got distracted by the call and hummed in a questioning tone to both male. " Tobio.. well, even if it just came across your mind.. don't ever.. please, don't ever think that you are one.. okay?.." Suga spoke out, trying to blink away his tears that were threatening to slip.

"Yeah.. Tobio, please.. you are the most beautiful boy I've ever met and if.. this is about your sexuality.. or your talents.. please.. your sexuality is not something you can change and it's okay.. you don't have to think about what other people would say to you.. and your talents are definitely amazing Tobio.. there's a reason why a 'talent' are called talent.." Daichi spoke ever so softly, tears threatening to fall as well.

Tobio was touched by both of their words and he hugged them, finally crying, although silently as they could only hear sobs and sniffles from the younger while they felt their shoulder wet through their cloth, they hugged him back while crying silently as well, not while sobbing or sniffling though, just letting a few tears slip away.

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