Recovery, Stories, and a Ritual

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER IV *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

The twins spent an hour with him before they turned, hearing someone approaching. Harry tilted his head as well, they were in a long robe of some kind, the skirt was dragging on the stone with hardly a whisper.

"Elrohir, Elladan; how many times must I tell you to not bother the patients as they recover?" a stern voice spoke up.

"Sorry Ada... but we were worried for him... He's been awake now for about an hour. He seems well enough to speak with us." they spoke as one and it brought a smile to Harry's face. He missed Fred and George; how they always knew how to make one laugh, how they would speak as one person rather than two.

"There is no need to scold them, sir. They have not caused me any distress." Harry promised, shocking them by speaking in Elvish.

"I see..." The older Elf (man?) stated, switching over to Weston, before he moved to the side of the room and there was the sound of metal scraping stone. The twins stiffened on either side of him and Harry knew they had forgotten to remove the knives he had thrown when they entered the room. "Were they showing you their knife skills?"

"No, but I did show them mine." Harry smiled. "Sneak, Glide and Strider have made it something of a game to sneak up on me. They were simply coming to see if I was awake and well, their timing was a bit off or perfect, it depends on who you ask. I had just woken and waking in a strange place, you tend to react first, ask later. Thankfully, we've traveled a bit together and they have seen me do this many times to the other Rangers and the odd Orc, and were able to dodge without injury."

"Impressive... My sons, I thought your mother and I taught you better manners." the man scolded again, though there was a lightness to it that made him sound like he was laughing.

"Sorry, Adar...." they bowed their heads before sitting up straight. "Hello again, Master Hadrian!"

"I am Elladan, but you call me Sneak. I am the Elder twin." Elladan smiled at Harry, who had turned to face him and smiled back.

"And I am Elrohir, you named me Glide. And I'm the younger twin." Elrohir smiled as Harry turned to him and smiled brightly.

"And the one scolding us is our father, the Lord of Imladris, Lord Elrond." They said as one and Harry blinked, turning to face the Elder Elf, but his eyes looked just to the left of his shoulder.

"You didn't tell me you were royal." Harry snapped his head at them, scowling fiercely.

"We didn't lie!" The twins yelped, they have known him well enough to know he hated when someone lied or withheld information. "It's not wise to tell others of our royal status!"

"... Fine... But let it be the last time you do it! I will spell you both into women if you do!" Harry hissed, annoyed because it was a legit reason to withhold information like that. "Don't expect me to start groveling. You will be sorely disappointed. How is Frodo?" Harry turned to where he last remembered Elrond to be standing, startling when the Elf's hand touched him, checking him over.

"Mr. Baggins has recovered from his illness, and is quite worried about you. My daughter is as well. It was brave, but foolish to face the Nazgul alone." Elrond scolded softly, it was either subtle or subconscious, after all he had three children he loved dearly. "Though I thank you for protecting my daughter. Arwen was most impressed with your magic."

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