The Founders are Judgy Old Bitches

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ Chapter XXI ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry smirked as he finished fixing the last of the wards and tying them into his own wards, anchoring them tightly into the Telluric Knot from which the school was built on and powered by for centuries, if not thousands of years. The musical tinkle of chimes and glass beads told him that Hogwarts was awakened fully and she was most pleased. The pulse of her Wardstone, her heart, echoed in the room and synced with his own heartbeat. On the walls the Portraits of the Founders awakened for the first time since their deaths and were confused by the influx of memories, information and so much more from the school.

Harry senses they were assimilating and would need a bit of time. He busied himself with creating a new ward scheme and blood locking it to the Wardstone, which will allow the school to eject unfit Headmasters/mistresses and staff members, should they prove themselves a threat or ill suited to the position. He also adjusted the War time and Siege wards to fit the more modern criteria of war. He poured as much information on the magics he's studied and on modern advances of Muggles as he could, allowing the wards to shift and grow, creating newer subbranches and subdivisions that could be used when needed or to better protect them.

"This is unforgivable!!" Bellows Godric Gryffindor, the first Magical Knight of the Round Circle and former Sword Master of the boy-King, Arthur Pendragon.

"Must you shout?!" Hisses Salazar Slytherin, the Mentor of one Merlin Emrys. "Bloody oaf..."

"Enough." Rowena Ravenclaw commands with a regal air around her, the secret mother and mentor of Morgana LeFey, the Half sister of both Arthur Pendragon and Helena Ravenclaw.

"You've startled the poor dear!" Scolds Helga Hufflepuff, the Mentor of Gewneviere, the Queen of Camelot and foster mother of Mordred.

"I'm alright, Lady Hufflepuff." Harry promises. "I am Hadrian James Potter, Lord of the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin via Conquest and by blood, Lord of the Most Revered and Ancient Houses of Peverell, Pendragon, LeFey and Emrys." He gives a beautifully executed courtesy, following the ancient etiquettes of Omegas.

"Oh?" They ask in shock, Salazar looking like he was slapped with a wet fish.

"Lords Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are not with me at this time, due to a brewing war and that they felt my knowledge would be best suited to aid in strengthening the wards and bringing the consciousness of Hogwarts up to speed. It seems it also helped you all acclimate as well." Harry notes.

"How are you my Heir both by blood and conquest?" Salazar asks.

"You're direct Heir attacked me when I was but a mere babe of 15 months on Saiham and the family magics along with a sacrificial ritual my mother preformed prevented him from killing me. My mother was of a long squib branch main family line and was the first generation Magical of said line in over 300 years." Harry explains as best he can recalling all the info he got from the bank.

"I see..." Salazar says, finding the matching info and memories, proving that indeed the sudden influx of all they have missed had truly come from the young man.

"There is much we've missed..." Rowena says as she closes her eyes and sifts through her own collection of info. "You're of my Daughter's blood, and yet you are not Lord Ravenclaw?"

"That would be my Professor, Severus Snape, Lord Prince and Lord Ravenclaw, he's of your direct line through your hidden son. Where as the Longbottom Heir and soon to be Lord is from the direct Hufflepuff line via his mother, who is sadly incurably insane and thus cannot claim the Ladyship." Harry explains.

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