The Four Guardians; Tír na nÓg

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ Chapter XXII ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Aragon stood in the Staff room with all the teachers present and even trustworthy adults from both sides of the war, the Ministry and the Bank. Harry and his HPS were present and they stood around where the blind young man sat in one of three thrones. Neville sat to his right while Severus sat to his left. Harry's Throne was slightly bigger due to his status as the Lord of Two of the Founders' Houses. The air was tense as they wait for someone to either be stupid, ask the question on most of their minds or Harry to put them all out of their misery.

"Why is Mr. Potter here?" Professor Babbling asked, finally caving to the temptation.

"Why are there other students here as well?" Professor Burbadge adds on.

"I am the Lord of Houses Slytherin and Gryffindor. Neville is the Lord of Hufflepuff and Professor Snape is Lord of Ravenclaw. As the last living descendants of the Founders, we own and rule this school. And as such, due to this stupid war that all of you have failed to resolve on your own and relied on me, a child, to save you all, we will decide how Hogwarts will stand and what is to be done." Harry states coolly and everyone winces, many turning purple with anger, while others duck their heads in shame.

"What my nephew means to say: in the last five years that we were missing, why the hell did you all keep your heads hidden in the sand and do nothing to stop the Dark Lord? Sure he is powerful, but if an entire country worth of Magicals turned their wands on him and his people, surely he wouldn't have won or lived. And yet you all sat and waited for a blind child to save you, a child you all ignored, mistreated and even harassed when you didn't need him to save your sorry arses." Severus snaps darkly.

"He defeated him once--" Sybil began, but was stopped by Severus slamming his palm on the table, startling everyone minus their side.

"My mother sacrificed herself, her magic and her blood to protect me that night. My mother begged Lady Magic to make sure I survived beyond that night. As such, she had to thrice deny her would-be murderer, she could not raise her wand to either protect me or herself. She had to be fully and wholly willing to throw herself on the metaphorical knife. She did exactly that. I am lauded as some sort of Magical Messiah, but in all actuality, you should be worshiping my mother and her sacrifice. I was a baby, only 15 months old. I had only recently learned to stand and take my first steps, I had probably only recently said my first word as well. Hardly a battle hardened warrior, never mind being able to go toe to toe with someone with nearly 70 years worth of skills and experience more than me." Harry glares around the room under his hood.

"Clearly there is something wrong if you must rely on a single young man who is blind to save you..." Godric growls sardonically. "Grandson, what have you come up with; since clearly the adults minus a select few, lack any actual intelligence."

"Thank you, Grandpa Ric. And yes, I do have a plan and it's quite simple, in fact. You see, after the repairs to the Wards was done, Hogwarts has been able to fully awaken since the start of the Crusades. And with her awakening, she has also become fully sentient. What this means for us is that many of her old Siege Wards have now become active once more, this includes the awakening of the old Army that had swore both in life and in death to defend Hogwarts and the children housed within her hallowed walls." Harry starts off with explaining what they have available to their use.

"But how? Albus was the Headmaster for nearly 100 years, having served previously as both the Transfigurations Professor and Deputy Headmaster." Minerva asked. "He should have been able to use the wards to protect the students during the last war!"

"That barmy old goat is not of our blood. Without a blood relative to grant access to the Wardstone, the Headmaster can only hold Regency control. Meaning that he would have only had access to the Wardstone in the Headmaster's office which is a drone to the original one." Salazar huffs belligerently. "And I've taken a look at the stone in the Headmaster's office. To put it simply: I am glad the fool never found our Daughter's true heart, but that doesn't mean he hasn't caused issues, or major concerns. Some of the wards were to cause infertility to targeted bloodlines and people. While a Love Trap ward was also set up which would allow for the Headmaster to select 'suitable' couples."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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