Path of the Dead and the Battle of Minas Tirith

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ CHAPTER X ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Harry stood beside his uncle in the lab inside of his tent, the pair of them were mass brewing while Remus and Sirius helped the twins make enough of their joke items that doubled as defensive items. Hermione was helping everyone outside get their things together. Those unable to fight were going to remain in the Golden Hall, which the Men were fortifying and later the Magicals would erect a few more defenses for them as a just in case someone brave enough to attack pops up. Legolas was teaching those willing to learn, how to fire a bow, he wasn't stressing perfect shots, but rather their ability to hit the target at all. Every landed shot meant the enemy was that much slower, that much less likely to get the upper hand.

Haldir had left to gather up as many Elves as he could while Boromir left for Gondor, he was long overdue in reporting to his father and brother, but also to gather up as much of his men as he could to hold the fort until aid came. If Minas Tirith fell, then there was very little stopping Mordor's might and wrath sweeping all across the Western lands. Gimli took over the forges, helping to make swords, not his finest works, but a blade was a blade. He also took breaks to make armor, even if it was the leather padding under the other layers.

Gandalf and Theoden made battle plans, Merry and Pippin helped wherever they could as Eowyn organized the camp supplies. She and the few ladies in waiting she had would be riding out with the main army to see them off to battle as was tradition of a Shield Maiden, but she was also hoping to be able to join the battle. It was very busy in Edoras, so of course they were all too distracted to remember the Palantir and that it, under Sauron's influence took hold of the curiosity of Pippin, who managed to resist for three days before he caved to both his curiosity and the influence of the cursed object.

It was late at night, in the morning the army would be heading out to the White Mountains just beyond the Dimholt and camp in its shadow, advantagous spot, but also dangerous because there was a pathway, creepy and dark, even at the height of midday, that lead to the Paths of the Dead. The place was haunted and if you strayed too close to the grove of dead trees, you would never be seen again. An ancestor of Theoden's had lost his son, who had foolishly dared to walk through the Paths of the Dead, only to never be seen again.

But that is beside the point. The point was that Pippin could not resist anymore and was slowly crawling his way to Gandalf's bed, Merry hissing at him warningly.

"I just want to look at it." Pippin promises, such an innocent desire that he did not realize would lead to a lot of trouble.

"Pippin!" Merry hisses, a bit of Alpha in his tone and the Omega almost obeys, but the siren of Sauron's magic is stronger.

They both startle when they pull the blankets off of Gandalf to see his blue eyes wide open. It nearly gives the pair heart attacks, until they hear his deep snores and realize he's sleeping with his eyes open.

"That is so creepy..." Merry huffs, curious and confused, waving a hand slowly before the unseeing blue eyes only for the White Wizard to snore loudly.

"I hear Elves sleep with their eyes open too..." Pippin murmurs as he carefully switches the Palantir for a chamber pot that was about the same size and roundness as the crystal orb. "It's pretty..."

Merry is on edge, his inner Alpha is snarling and snapping at him to get their Omega away from that thing, but he cannot figure out why nor is said Omega listening to him. He looks at the glass like orb that is steadily changing in Pippins hands until suddenly a fiery eye appears and all hell breaks lose then. Pippin's screams wakes the others, Harry, who was having difficulty sleeping, rushes in from his late night walk and grabs Pippin at the same time others lunge at the Palantir and try to pry it out of his hands. Gandalf is shouting furiously as he quickly wraps his old gray cloak around the blasted orb again, but Pippin is near catatonic and Harry, quickly pulls the smaller Omega close and pressing their foreheads together he preforms Legilimens and is soon inside the Hobbit's mind.

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