Shut up, the Adults are talking!

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* Chapter XVIII *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Elrohir and Elladan stood by the Floo waiting for permission to Floo into the Black Townhouse, they had finished making the Array from Goblin Gold, using a method perfected by their Durin Ancestors before the Gold Sickness took hold and nearly wiped them completely out. They've named this special gold, Durin's Blood, due to the part gold had in both the deaths of the line and saving them, thanks to a golden haired Hobbit once upon a time. The gold was a bit reddish to match the coppery gold of Bilbo Baggins in his youth. They needed Black's confirmation that this was the exact design before they would install it on not only the train, but also the townhouse and if possible in the school.

They could not put it directly on the subject or subjects they were protecting because it would drain them of their magic to try and mitigate the damage or harm that was trying to get to them. They may have also tweaked it a bit with Elvin Magic and spells to ensure that what is taken from those within the confines would not ultimately harm them, a small percentage to complete the whole from each child or person within the protections, while the vast majority of it would be taken from the ambient magic of the world. Haldir has been back and forth between the bank and their Mate, to make sure their people were ready, plans were being followed to the letter and that any and all spies and traitors were left in the dark before they meet their demises at the appropriate time.

They were also getting major help from Severus in advancing several potions that would ultimately help the people, making sure he owned the patents and had majority share, after all he was of the few geniuses left in the world with an aptitude for potions that not even the Goblins could match. They still grumble about missing their chance to pull him into their ranks and keep him safeguarded. But they are glad to call him Goblin Friend at the very least. Severus was running all over the place between days spent in his various labs. While he will perfect the Liquid Imperius, he will ensure there is only ever one bottle in the entire world and that the notes and process to make it is burned with his body when the time came. Mortals cannot be trusted after all. He will make inferior versions just to get the two megalomaniacs off his case, however. Ones that can be counteracted with either a potion or a ritual.

Theodred often helped his beloved, while he has no head or hand for potion making, he does know how to find and gather ingredients, will bully the Omega into taking breaks or straight up freeze time, a talent he learned over the years, to fuck his Omega into a babbling mess when he refuses to take a break or is too stressed out. They were working hard in the shadows and around the idiots and their plans. Harry was orchestrating all of this while mostly pulling off being obvious to the plans within the plans, however his patience was fraying and quickly.

So when September 1st finally rolled around, everyone could breathe a collective sigh of relief. Harry had not slept the night before, in a rotten mood after Molly managed to chase his Alphas out of Grimmauld Place and tried to mother him. Once upon a time, he'd have soaked that affection up like a foolish sponge, but now he knows better. To make his mood even worse, he was rooming with Ron, meaning he couldn't relax. Not to mention Ginny stayed in their shared room for more than half the night, trying to seduce him and Harry nearly said 'fuck it all' and blast the Bint into a bloody abstract painting against the wall. And now he was dealing with Mrs. Weasley going through his trunk making sure he only packed 'what is necessary' and nothing 'dark or dangerous.'

"What's this?" She holds up one Harry's walking sticks, the fine black wood polished to a near gem-like gleam and inlaid with Durin's Blood. A gift from Griphook, the top pulled off and had a thin blade laced with Mordorian Poison while the bottom part could act as a staff or a switch, but was also made with the gifted hair, pieces of heart and blood, some fangs, even scales and tears of various animals to make an impressive magical Staff. It was very well made and according to Griphook, he modeled it after Gandalf's staff, which made Harry utterly gooey with warm affection.

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